pt 3 "like you'

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Your point of view

Well I'm apart of the squad now! I feel bad though. I sort of miss the spooky boys.

"Shane can we please go to Starbucks??" Garrett begged Shane.

"Ugh, I told you if you wanted to get Starbucks and you said no!" Shane rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but that was in the morning!!" Garrett tapped Shane.

"It was 1 pm." Shane death stared Garrett.

Garrett sighed and sat back down.
I eyed Shane for a good minute or 2.
I turned over to see Andrew staring at me. I waved.

Andrew giggled. "Hey, I'm Andrew."

I smiled at Andrews adorable laugh "I know, I'm Y/N."

"I like that name a lot" Andrew looked down.

I looked down then looked at him. "Thanks." I awkwardly replied.

I looked over and saw Shane staring at us. I looked at Andrew and then just grabbed my phone and pretended I was texting someone when in reality I was in my notes app writing down my emotions and thoughts.

The car stopped and I looked over at Shane. We were at a Starbucks.

Morgan was talking to andrew and garrett was looking at sloth videos.

"Garrett." Said Shane.

Garrett looked up "yeah??"

"We're here. Get your stuff and let's go." Shane was obviously annoyed.

"Wait. I dont want to go alone." Garrett said.

"I got you boy, let's go" I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car to go with Garrett.

"Thanks for coming with me" Garrett smiled.

"No problem" I smiled back.

*Time later*

We got back in the car and Shane started driving again. Road trip to Texas now. Woohoo!

I sipped my coffee and noticed that Andrew was looking at me again. I looked back at him.

"Can i try some?" He asked.

" Yeah sure," I awkwardly handed him my drink.

He opened the cap and drank some. "Woah" he laughed. "Its sweet just like you."

I felt my cheeks getting warm. Is he flirting with me?? My coffee isn't even that sweet. Huh.

"My coffee is sort of good" Garrett blurted out.

Andrew tried some "huh. It's bitter.'

"Just like you" Shane mumbled.

hEy whAtS uP y0U gUYs, yES. (Shane Dawson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now