Tag 2

4 1 0

I was tagged by monzo1212

1. Q: Do you have a crush?
A: Yes, but I haven't actually met him in person yet, but doesn't that still count? He's my best friend, but he's homeschooled, so we can't see each other in person. Plus he has swim & I have band and dance.

2. Q: Middle name?
A: Joy.

3. Q: Height?
A: 5'6" or 167 cm.

4. Q: Eye color?
A: Brown/dark brown.

5. Q: Last time I cried?
A: No clue. I don't cry often.

6. Q: Biggest fear?
A: The ocean, bugs, & spiders.

7. Q: Last song I listened to?
A: "You Were Beautiful" by DAY6 (I'm reading DoPil when listening to DAY6 lolz)

8. Q: Last person you texted?
A: animeandmusic

9. Q: Favorite app?
A: YouTube, Wattpad, Netflix, LVive, etc.

10. Q: Tag 20 people.
A: I don't know 20 people, so here's what I got.

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