Tag 3

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Tagged by monzo1212

Say 10 things about yourself.

1. I'm from North Carolina, USA.

2. I like K-Pop, rock, K-Rock, metal, pop rock, punk rock, J-Rock, C-Pop, etc.

3. I'm a senior in high school this year (2018-2019).

4. I was born on December 20, 2000. So I don't get any birthday presents, only Christmas presents.

5. I have 3 cats. Callie, Coco, and TJ.

6. I can't choose a bias in NCT because they're all amazing!

7. I can't stand modern rap music because you can't understand a word they say, it all sounds the same, and they cuss too much (even though that doesn't really bother me).

8. I am an only child, so I am the oldest, the youngest, and the middle child.

9. I read and listen to music at the same time and it helps to calm me down or keep me relaxed.

10. I have my license and can drive myself wherever I want as long as I can pay for gas and food.

Now, tag 28 people.

Yo...I couldn't even tag 10 people in the last one, what do I do now lolz?!?!

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