Depressed In My World

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The words I don't wanna hear
But you yelled at me loud and clear
You really want to hurt my feelings
Then you said you didn't mean it to me

Skin rips like paper
Say, I can be a fighter
But I have to sacrifice
And to be kind, lovely and nice

But I am no good now
Because I can kill you now
At first, I had this place called home
Now, I have nowhere to go

I've been standing this long
I was crying on my own
When I face all my fears
My eyes will be releasing a thousand tears

I'm so sorry mom, I have done it incorrectly
I knew everything needs to be done correctly
I'm so sorry mom, I can't be perfect
I'm so sorry mom, I couldn't be that nice kid.

(Author's Note: Please don't forget to comment and vote! 😁 But if you're not willing to, then I'm not forcing you to though. Anyways, I do follow back to those who follows me and not that I want you to follow me or whatever, I just wanna be fair in supporting each other. 💛)

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