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"Jesus, is Coach trying to kill us?" Kyle mutters under his breath after thirty minutes into the Cheerios daily routine practice. He runs down the field and does a quick roundoff back handspring backflip. He moves into formation alongside Brittany. He then runs over and supports the other cheerleaders that are heading to the top of the pyramid. Suddenly one of the girls starts falling, and Kyle quickly steps out of formation and catches her before she hits the ground.

"You think that's hard? Try being waterboarded. That's hard," Kyle can hear Sue yelling through a megaphone.

"Ass," Kyle mutters. He then puts the girl down. "You alright?" Kyle asks.

"Yeah," the girl smiles.

"Hit the showers!" Sue yells. The girl then heads off to the locker rooms. In the corner of his eye, Kyle can see Brittany, Santana, and Quinn walking towards the locker rooms also. Kyle sprints his way over and jumps onto Santana's back. The impact of him jumping on her makes her fall over with her somehow landing on top of him.

"I am going to kill you one of these days, Delgado," Santana swears.

"You know you still love me," Kyle teases.

"Do I?" Santana wonders, slapping Kyle in the face.

"Oi, what was that for?" Kyle yells.

"For knocking me over," Santana sweetly replies. She then pushes herself off the ground. Kyle follows suit. He brushes off some of the dirt from his uniform.

"I think Coach Sylvester is possessed," Brittany quietly says. Kyle looks over at her and nods knowingly.

"Oh she most certainly is. She has us all thinking that we are the greatest cheerleading team," Kyle jokes.

"But we are," Quinn says. Kyle looks at Quinn and grins.

"But are we really?" Kyle asks. He then swoops his arm and runs off to the boys locker room leaving two very confused girls and Brittany.

... later that day

"Hey, Will," Kyle says, not looking up from his homework. He continues to quickly fly through his AP physics homework. They really need to make this more challenging, Kyle thinks to himself.

"Hey. Don't you have motocross training?" Will asks, dropping his bag by the front door.

"Coach cancelled. The rain from yesterday flooded some of the track," Kyle answers, still not looking up from his homework.

"Do you have a moment to talk then?" Will asks.

"Yeah," Kyle replies, putting down hs pencil and looking up and Will sits across from him at the dining table. "So, I'm not getting kicked out, am I?"

"I told you, Kyle, until the papers are finalised with the Pierce's and the agency, you're always welcome to stay here," Will assures. Kyle gives a small smile. "What I wanted to talk to you about is Glee Club."

"Glee Club?" Kyle questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Would you consider joining it?" Will hopefully asks.

"I don't sing. I don't play an instrument. I don't dance," Kyle replies.

"You're the best dancer I know," Will scoffs. "You always are dancing around the living room."

"Look, that club is for losers, no offence. You join that club, you'll be the one being thrown into the dumpster like that Hummel kid. I'm the one that's supposed to be throwing those losers in there. Anyway, it has no hope of making it anywhere. The coach for it got fired," Kyle explains.

Motocross // Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now