Time After Time

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"I'm surprised you showed up, Captain!" Coach Olsen approaches Kyle as he finishes his last lap around the motocross track. Kyle groans as he dismounts the bike and takes of his helmet, ruffling his hair back to normal. 

"Most people would just say hello."

"Well, I'm not most people. I'm your coach."

"Touché." Kyle purses his lips. He starts pushing his bike over to the bike lockers.

"So, what made you decide to finally show up?" Coach Olsen asks, following him.

"I don't know. You?" Kyle shrugs. 

"I get it. You look at me like a mother figure," Coach Olsen teases. "But really, what made you decide to come back? I was about to revoke your title."

"Pillsbury had a talk with me. Made me realise that I was giving up too much. Then I spent time with Quinn and I realised I didn't want to fuck up everything."

"Wow. You seemed to have gotten a much bigger reality check than I expected."

Kyle shoves his bike into his vacant locker after roughly grabbing his knapsack from a hangar. He closes the doors and throws the padlock back on.

"You knew Pillsbury was going to talk to me?" 

"I didn't know she was going to talk to you. I only called her because I was worried," Coach Olsen reasoned. "You weren't showing up here and you ignored all your teammates calls."

"I've just been busy," Kyle says.

"With Quinn and the baby?"

"Yes. No. My half-brother is getting transferred to a new prison facility this weekend." 

Kyle lets out a heavy breath. His fists clench up and his nails dig into his palm.

"Kyle," Coach Olsen says. Kyle looks up at her. "I know you're worried about your half-brother and you have every right to be. Right now, though, you are in Lima. You can only control what is happening here."

Kyle fumbles around with his motocross helmet as he clips it on to his knapsack. "I guess you're right," he mumbles under his breath.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that," Coach Olsen says, leaning in.

"I said, I guess you're right." Kyle rolls his eyes as Coach Olsen playfully punches him in the arm.


Kyle stands in front of his locker barely able to keep his eyes open. He ended up sleeping on the floor in Brittany's room last night as he couldn't fall asleep next to Quinn. It only felt weird to him and the last thing he needed was problems. 

Kyle rubs his eyes as he exchanges some of the notebooks in his locker and his knapsack. A blur of letterman jacket catches his eye though and he looks behind him to see Finn strutting down the hallway. Kyle's eye follow Finn over to the one person he didn't expect him to walk over to, Quinn.

Kyle tries to shift closer to hear what they're saying, but the chatter of everyone else makes it difficult. He only sees Quinn blushing at something Finn said and then presumably laughing it off. What takes Kyle by surprise though is seeing Quinn mouth the word "love" and then hugging Finn. 

Angrily, Kyle slams his locker shut, gaining the attention of everyone in the hallway including Finn and Quinn. They both look over at him in shock. Kyle's eyes dart between everyone, ultimately landing on Rachel Berry who stands at her own locker with a familiar face of hurt.

Kyle takes a deep breath before storming down the hallway, shoving into a group of freshmen on the way.


Unknowingly, Kyle ends up in the last place he expected, the Glee classroom. He peeks inside and sees no one, not even Shue. He walks in slowly and heads over to the piano. He drops his knapsack on the ground next to the piano seat and sits down. He runs his fingers across the white and black keys taking in the grand sound that he grew accustomed to.

He begins playing the soft melody of a Cyndi Lauper song.

Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think of you

Caught up in circles
Confusion is nothing new

Flashback, warm nights

Almost left behind

Suitcase memories 
Time after 


Sometimes you picture me

I'm walking too far ahead

Kyle looks next to him and sees Rachel walking over to him singing along.


You're calling to me, I can't hear
What you've said
Then you say, "go slow"

And I fall behind

The second hand unwinds

Kyle & Rachel:

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time

If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

Kyle stops playing and looks over at the other girl. 

"Time After Time," Rachel says. "Good song choice."

"Thanks. I didn't think I would ever hear that comment from the Rachel Berry."

"You may lack more sophisticated tastes in music, but I will always respect Cyndi Lauper."

"I'm not sure if that's an insult or a compliment." Kyle chuckles.

"What are you doing here? I thought you gave up on Glee?" Rachel asks.

"Shue suspended me and he had every right. I've been neglecting this club and all that you worked to build," Kyle admits.  

"You just need to show him that this club means something to you," Rachel suggests.

"Listen, Berry, I'm not intending to come back. Not for a while. I have things I need to sort out first."

"We need a singer like you, Kyle. Finn and Puck can't keep a harmony and Mike doesn't even sing."

Kyle notices a frown grow on her face as she mentions Finn.

"Hudson bringing you down?" Kyle asks. Rachel looks shocked for a second before returning to a fake smile.

"Fabray bringing you down?" Rachel quips. "We all saw what happened in the hallway."

"Quinn and I are friends. Nothing more," Kyle shakes his head.

"Are you certain about that?" Rachel asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Positive," Kyle assures. "You and Hudson seemed to be getting closer also. Just friends?" 

"Unfortunately, yes," Rachel frowns. "That traitor Kurt set me up like an idiot in front of him."

"Wait, Kurt likes Hudson?" Kyle asks confused. 

Rachel nods, cringing as she recalls her interaction with Kurt.

"I'm going to help you win over Hudson," Kyle states, after moments of thinking and scheming.

"Why would you help me? What's in it for you?" 

"Let's just say I know how to get Hudson into you. I do you a favour. You do me a favour. Deal?"

Kyle holds out his hand waiting for Rachel to reply. She takes a few moments before smirking.


Motocross // Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now