Saturday Morning

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Brooke awoke surrounded by a mess of blankets, she rolled over and looked at the clock, it read 3:17 A.M. She groaned and tried not to think about the nightmare that woke her from sleep. Brooke was sweating, more than usual for this reoccurring dream. Brooke shut her eyes and once again was trapped, suffocating, unable to leave the confines of the glass box. The dream always starts off with Cameron inside the box, Brooke unable to get him out, she presses up on the glass and her body is shoved through it, morphing herself into it. Cameron always escapes once she is inside. The box heats up slowly, and when that happens Brooke gives up all hope of escape. On the verge of death is when she shoots straight up in bed shaking and sweating.

B got out of bed, went downstairs and made herself some Chamomile Tea. She closed her eyes calming herself, she took the half empty mug back to her room and laid down was instantly transported into another dream.

"Brooke! Get your lazy ass out of bed!" Joanne Williams called upstairs for her daughter to hear. "Come on, it's ten o'clock! I have breakfast made, it's going to get cold if you don't hurry up."

Brooke rolled around a little longer and finally got out of bed. Once she stood up, she realized how hungry she actually was, she grabbed her mug from earlier that night, stretched and headed towards the door. Brooke walked down the hall and glanced in her brother's room and noticed him climbing through the window. She paused and stepped into his room.

"Am I missing something? Or do you always prefer windows instead of doors?"

Jason jumped away from the window as quickly as he could. "Oh my God, Brooke. You scared the shit out of me."

She just looked at him waiting for an explanation.

"Okay, okay. I stayed at Kylie's house last night and I don't want mom finding out.. or dad. Oh God, don't tell dad. He'd kill me.." He trailed off.

"Well, mom just made breakfast. She might get suspicious if you don't come downstairs." Brooke just laughed at her brother's risky move. She couldn't believe how stupid he was, thinking that no one would notice him crawling through his window on the second floor.

How the hell did he manage to get up here anyways?

"Let me get changed, tell her I'll be down in a few."

"Not so fast." She grabbed his arm before he could escape her questions.

"God Brooke, what?

"First off, how did you get out of the house? And more importantly how'd you get back in.. almost unseen or unnoticed"

"It's a secret, now back off. I gotta get out of these clothes." He gestured to his jeans and dirty shirt and headed for his closet, paused and turned towards her. "If mom asks where I was, cover for me, thanks."

Brooke gave him one last glance and walked out of his room. Jason looked horrible, his usually perfectly styled brown hair was a mess and his piercingly blue eyes were dull from lack of sleep. That didn't seem like the normal "slept over at my girlfriend's house" look. Brooke just shrugged it off and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Ah, there you are." Joanne smiled.

"What'd you make for your favorite daughter?"

"Honey, you're my only daughter." She laughed. "I made French Toast, your favorite."

She rolled her eyes. "Mom, that's Jason's favorite, not mine."

"Well, whatever it's one of your favorites."

"Thank you for the consideration of remembering my favorite foods, dearest mother." She rolled her eyes at Joanne.

"Speaking of your brother, where is he? He said he'd be out with friends late..." Joanne trailed off.

"Oh, I just woke him up. You must of not heard him come home last night." Brooke took a big bite of her French Toast not wanting to look her mom in the eyes, she hated lying to her.

Jason raced down the stairs, clearly smelling his favorite breakfast and not wanting to waste any time going down the stairs carefully. He glowed with something more than just enthusiasm for food, maybe it had something to do with Kylie.

Well, his mood changed awfully quick.

He promptly got a plate and filled it with as much French Toast as it could hold. He sat down and started shoveling in the breakfast.

"Jason, slow down." Their mother said as she tried to take his plate away, but he moved to a different spot at their rectangular table to be out of her reach. "Jesus! This is why I never make favorites because you," She pointed at Jason, "always eat way too fast and get sick, but I thought since school is over it'd be a nice surprise."

He looked at his food, back at her, then down to his plate and continued to eat.

"Anyways.." Joanne rolled her eyes at her son. "Jason, where were you last night?

He looked at her with a blank face and then to his sister, he pleaded with his eyes for her to cover for him.

Brooke answered before their mom could ask again. "Oh mom, I forgot to tell you I heard him come in last night when I was going to bed. I said that earlier, but I don't think you were listening ."

Jason looked relieved that his sister had covered for him. "Yeah, I was out late with Miles."

Joanne looked at her children carefully, but decided it wasn't worth interrogating them any further. "Okay, can you just tell me next time?"

Brooke stopped listening to the conversation and shifted her gaze to the clock in the kitchen, it read 11:07.

Oh shit. Brooke thought as she remembered the text message from Cameron. She was supposed to be there at noon, he lived twenty minutes away and she still wasn't dressed.

"Brooke, are you okay?" Jason pulled her from her thoughts of Cameron. "Your face just got pale."

"Uh yeah. I just remembered I'm supposed to be at Cameron's at noon," She gestured to her pajamas, "and I'm currently wearing this."

She gave her family one last look and headed back to her room.

Oh God. I have nothing to wear. Brooke thought as she reached in her closet and grabbed the best thing she could find, a tribal design crop top and her favorite high-rise shorts that were worn once already that week, hopefully, he won't notice she thought.

B went into her bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth and looked into the mirror, realizing how bad her hair looked. Brooke threw it up in what she hoped was a stylish ponytail and checked the clock, 11:42.

Cameron won't mind if I'm a few minutes late.. I hope.


Okay, 63 reads literally my life is made. Imma throw a party if I get 100. My friend, Gina, said if I get 100 reads she'll make me a trophy. I really want that trophy.. and a party. BUT THANKS EVERYONE FOR READING. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME. I would like to thank my other friend, Maggie, aka _B_O_O_K_S, she's kinda the one that got me mixed up in this writing stuff so you should read her book "Nothing But Grey" it's pretty great. I'd also like to thank my cousin, Abby, she's been helping like a lot a lot so. That was extremely stupid and probably none of you read this extremely long author's note, THANKS AGAIN. 😘

Make sure to comment funny things and vote.

x Maddie x


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