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Brooke started her day off just like any other one, she got dressed and got something to eat. She walked downstairs and saw Jason watching TV, like usual. As she sat eating her cereal, Brooke checked the clock: 1:13.

The mail should be here.

Brooke set her bowl and spoon in the sink and walked outside to the mailbox. She was so excited to get a letter from North Carolina State University. It was only about 3 hours and 45 minutes from home so it was perfect. She stood anxiously at the end of her driveway, scared to open it. She couldn't bring herself to open it right then, she quickly ran back inside to open the much awaited letter.

"Dear, Miss. Williams

On behalf of all the staff here at North Carolina State University of Raleigh, we would like to welcome you to our campus."

Brooke couldn't help screaming out loud, this is what she always wanted. She quickly read the rest of the letter, it was all irrelevant to her right now, all she cared about was that she was in.

"Jason! Jason! Jason!" Brooke said as she ran into the living room towards her brother. "Guess what?!"


"I'm in! I got into North Carolina University!"

He got up and hugged his big sister, as much as they annoyed each other, he was truly happy for her.

"I'm so proud of you, Brooke. I told you that'd you'd get in. They'd be stupid not to"

She pulled away from their embrace. "Thanks Jason." She smiled. "I better call mom, and dad.. and then there's Cameron.."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you better."

She ran upstairs and quickly called her mom and dad to tell them the good news. They were so proud of their daughter. Cameron was next on her list, he might not be as happy has her family had been.

She dialed the number she'd done a million times and Cam quickly answered.

"Hey babe. How ya been?"

"I have good news."

"And what would that be." He laughed.

"I was accepted to North Carolina University." She said as plainly as she could muster.

It was silent for a few seconds before he answered. "That's great. I'm so proud of you, Brooke."

"We have the whole summer.. Class doesn't start until September sometime."

"We have plenty of time, Brooke." Cam said slowly. "I really am happy for you. I'll prove it to you."

"How?" She laughed.

"I'm taking you out for a fancy dinner tonight. That mean's you have to dress nice.." She could tell he was smirking, even through the phone.

"Cam, you don't have to do that."

"I want to. I'll pick you up around 7. Okay?"


"See you later, my little college girl." He laughed at his joke. "I love you."

"I love you too." Brooke answered quietly and hung up.

She immediately went to her closet to find some sort of "nice clothes" as Cameron said. She finally decided on a short light purple dress with a tank top jean jacket and a pair of sandals.


Just as Cam had promised, he arrived fairly close to 7. Brooke was nervous about seeing Cameron, she knew that it was stupid to be nervous because she'd been on plenty of dates with him before, but something about this one felt different. Maybe it was that she was leaving soon or maybe that Cam seemed mad at her, whatever it was Brooke didn't like it.

The doorbell rang and Brooke raced across the kitchen to answer it.

"Hey, cutie. You ready?" He was wearing khakis with a blue dress shirt and black tie.

"Well, don't you look nice." She said as Brooke walked out her front door, bringing Cam with her. "Where are we going? Or are you not going to tell me?"

"You guessed correctly, it's a surprise."

They got into his SUV and pulled out of her driveway, towards the unknown location.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going or will I have to keep this blindfold on the whole date?" Brooke asked after a couple minutes of driving.

Cam just turned up the already loud music.

Sometimes I just really hate his stubbornness.


After about fifteen minutes of driving Brooke felt the car stop.

"Are we there yet?" She asked.

"Indeed, my lady."

She laughed. "Don't ever say that again."

Brooke heard the front seat door close and a few seconds later felt her door open.

Cameron grabbed her hand, helped her out of the car, and took off the blindfold.

She opened her eyes to see, Chai Pani, a Indian restaurant in town.

"I know Indian isn't your favorite, but I honestly just wanted to try this place." Cam said.

She smiled "It's perfect."

Once they were seated and ordered their food, Cam leaned over the table and grabbed Brooke's hands.

She look at him. "What?"

"I'm so sorry for the past few days, I just keep thinking about my life without you, well, when I mean without you, I mean you in college in Raleigh and me not."

"Cam, things are going to change, but things between us won't. You have nothing to worry about, okay?"

He moved her promise ring around her finger a few times before their food came.


Once they were finished the waitress came by to collect the check that Brooke unwillingly let Cameron pay for, he kept saying, "This night is for you, I'm not allowing you to pay for it."

They got back into the car and cranked the music, Cam sped out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"I had a great time tonight." Cam shouted over the radio.

"Me too." She said just as her favorite song came on the radio, soon they were both singing as loud as they possibly could, both trying to out sing each other.

Cam finally gave up and took one look at Brooke singing her heart out, just enjoying the song, but was too enthralled with Brooke that he never saw the oncoming pickup truck's headlights.


So what'd you think? I finally got to the interesting part. And hey, I'm sorry I haven't written in a super long time, I just have been beyond stressed with school (Science especially) and soccer and just life in general. Yeah, my family and I were going to move to Arizona, which thank the Lord that's not happening, but that was stressful, so I haven't had much time to write. But enjoy my mater piece.

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Until next time

x Maddie x


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2014 ⏰

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