Telling People

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~Niall's POV~

Once Lily was back inside her house, I pulled into Zayn's driveway. I walk up to the door and walk right in. We are really close friends, plus he gave me a spare key for emergencies. I can instantly smell wet paint and weed, "Zayn! Where are you, mate?"

"In the living room!" Zayn yells. There he is sitting on the couch with his dog. Well, his girlfriend's dog, she picked it out. Why would Zayn want a girly dog? He wants something more manly, like a Pitbull. But Perrie said that he can't get another dog, even though she's never at his place. She is touring the world with the other girls in her band, Little Mix.

I sit down on the couch, "I did it! I asked her to be my girl." I was way to excited. Niall Horan never gets excited.

"You worked up the balls to finally ask this mystery girl out. Who is she anyways? You never even told me," Zayn says before taking a drag from a joint.

I smile at the thought of her, "It's Lily, she's mine now." Damn, I was a lucky man! Getting forced to be partners on the school project. And then getting to hang out with her all the time. And finally getting the girl of my dreams to be mine.

Zayn passes me the joint and smiles, "You went after the good girl? You won't get anywhere with her. She doesn't do stuff like you and me."

"Shut the fuck up! I don't care what you think. I will get many 'places' with her. Just you watch, Malik," I say to my bestfriend. He just laughs and I pass him back the joint. We talk and smoke for awhile. Then I finally decide that I should get going.

~Lily's POV~

*tap tap tap* Huh? Was that coming form my balcony? I fling my legs onto the floor and walk over to the door. I pull open the curtains and look out the glass door. To my surprise, I see a Niall Horan standing there. "What the hell, Niall! My mom is going to kill me if she finds out that you're here," I whisper-yell when I open the door.

He just smiles, "Hey, Princess! Your mum doesn't have to know. Our little secret, okay?" I nod and let him in my room.

"What are you doing here? Why did you have to wake me up at 12:45 in the morning?" I say as I lay down on my bed. I had gone to bed around 11:20ish, so I hadn't been asleep for that long. But still, I like my sleep.

"I couldn't sleep, so I came here," Niall says sitting on my bed to take his shoes off.

"For what reason, Niall?" I climb under my covers and watch Niall.

He looks over at me and gives me his world famous smirk, "To sleep with you. Duh!" Is he serious right now?

I sigh, "Okay, get in the bed. And no funny business, mister."

His smirk grows into a toothy smile, "Yes, ma'am" I laugh at his craziness. What have I gotten myself into? Niall only sleeps I his boxers and he has a very prominent scent. He smells like citrus fruit, cologne, and weed. It is the best smell ever!

I wake up in the middle of the night to Niall thrashing around. "Niall! Nialler, wake up," I say softly as I shake his shoulders.

His eyes shoot open, "She's gone forever!" What is he talking about?

"Are you okay? You weren't doing so well?" I ask as Niall sits up and looks around the room.

"Huh? Yeah, that always happens." What, that he always screams when he wakes up from a dream?

"Were you having a bad dream or something?" I say wrapping my arms around him.

He wraps his arms around me and lays down, "Yeah, you left me and you weren't coming back."

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