Birthday Sex?

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I haven't talked to Niall since that day, but I continue to text Ash. Ash is a sweet guy and he always has something to talk about. There is never a dull moment with him. My birthday is on Friday and we agreed to meet each other then. He happens to be in my state, so he convinced me to meet him. I haven't told Niall, due to the fact that he gets jealous easily.

Speaking of Niall, while I was walking to class, he decided to stop me. He walks next to me, "I'm taking you out on Friday."

I look at him with a serious look, "No, you are not taking me out. I already have plans."

"Well, cancel them. This is more important," Niall says he passes his class. No way, I'm meeting Ash that day. I raise my eyebrow at him, "Please, I've had this planned out for a few weeks. I can't cancel now," Niall begs.

I roll my eyes, "We will see." With that said, I go to choir. We have a choir concert on Thursday, which is tomorrow, so we are in the auditorium. After we practiced for some time, our teacher had something to say.

"Come down here, Horan," says Mr. Joseph.

Niall comes running down the stairs, "What do you need?"

"Do you sing? You seem to be in here a lot," Mr. Joseph says as he motions for Niall to come on stage. Oh, I got this.

"Mr. Joe, he does sing. I've heard him," I say as I nod my head and smile at Mr. Joseph. I am going to get back at Niall.

Niall glares at me, "No, I don't think that I can." Bull shit!

"Yes he can. He can sing Out Of My Limit for us," it was one of the songs that we were singing. And I know that he knows it.

"Can you do that for us?" Mr. Joseph asks.

Niall sighs and I smirk at him, "Sure, why not?" Niall sings the song and all the girls go crazy. Now they see something in Niall?! I look over at Haley and see a smile on her face. I hate her fucking guts. I don't even care anymore. Even if she didn't do anything with Niall, I still hate her.

Mr. Joseph claps his hands as Niall finishes, "Why are you not in choir, Niall?"

Niall turns to Mr. Joseph, "Because people would think that I'm weird. Have you ever heard of a punk that is in choir? Probs not."

I can't even stand to look at him right now. I turn to my friend and talk to her. I can still hear Mr. Joseph talking to Niall, "Well, both of us are missing out. Now get out of here, you are distracting my girls!"

Niall leaves but I can hear him say, "I only have my eye on one girl, My Princess." Well, shit. What am I going to do with him?

It's Friday morning, my birthday!! The choir concert went well. Niall was there, sitting in the top corner. On the way to my locker at the end of the day, Niall comes up to me. He leans again the lockers, "Be ready by 4:10. I'll come and pick you up."

I close my locker and walk to his, "Okay, where are we going?"

"The cities, to the Hilton Hotel," he says stuffing the needed stuff into his backpack.

My aunt lives not too far from there. I can go to her place if I need to. I am suppose to meet Ash at a restaurant nearby, so I'll try to talk Niall into going there. I get home and pack a bag. I texted my aunt about my plan and she's okay with it.

*Honk, honk* I slip on my shoes and grab my bag. I climb into Niall's car and we are off to the hotel. Ash has been texting me the whole day and car ride. We are both excited to meet each other. Niall breaks the awkward silence, "So, are you not going to talk to me?"

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