𝟬𝟭. theres's no place like home

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It was ann unusual rainy day in London, as Sofia Michael awaited for the 14:30 train back to her hometown of Manchester.

After beginning her Youtube Channel, three years ago now, the last thing Sofia expected was for her little platform to blow up as quick as it did. Six months ago, the influencer made the big decision to leave her hometown of Manchester to move to the city of London. Moving to London opened up more bigger and better opportunities for her, due to most PR events and meetings being held within the capital.

Leaving her family behind in Manchester was a hard thing for the young girl to do, especially moving nearly four hours away, where she knew nobody or nothing. She eventually learned to deal with this, although she grew majorly homesick which caused her to
come home for a few days here and there.

It wasn't all so blue for Sofia in the city of London, this would be where she met her beau Noah King. He was also a Youtuber and the pair were a well known 'power couple' on the platform, although things were very different behind closed doors. The couple were only together for a couple of months and already lived together, which had a strain on their relationship after a long chain of arguments, although they would always find their way back to each other.

The Michael Family wasn't the only ones left behind in Manchester, there were also her two closest friends. These being Katelyn Saunders and Marcus Rashford. The trio knew each other since primary school, through to academy and even remained the best of friends til this day, although they don't see much of each other, due to their busy schedules. University commitments with Katelyn, work commitments with Sofia and hobbies which turned into a career for Marcus kept their crew apart. Hopefully some of this was set to change, when Marcus arranged to pick Sofia up from Manchester Piccadilly Train Station.

Wheeling her suitcase behind her, Sofia immediately noticed her best friend, Marcus, standing outside his flash car, where the old friends greeted each other for the first time in what felt like forever.

"Hello, stranger!" The footballer greeted the girl, as he pulled her into a hug. "Long time, no see, Sofia."

"Tell me about it." Sofia replies, as the pair chuckled together before returning the hug. "I have missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too. You really need to come home more often." He laughed, before taking her luggage and signalling her to get into the car. "We can talk all about it on the journey home."

"It's on my to-do list!" The younger of the duo smiled. "Thank you, again." As he joined her in the front of his own car.

"So, where do we start?" Marcus laughed, realising how long they hadn't seen each other for. "How's London been treating you, kiddo?"

"Honestly, great." Sofia replied, very confidently. "Although it can be pretty harrowing, you know, being out there all alone. Although I am getting used to it, despite missing Manchester so much."

"I could've sworn you told me you were seeing and living with that Noah King guy, or whatever. What have I missed?" Marcus asked about the boy he had never actually met, as they embarked on their journey back to the Michael household.

"We kind of went through a little rough patch, just argument after argument." Sofia sighed over her worries of her failing relationship. "He's went back to his mum's in Northampton anyway."

"Why didn't you tell me that, Sof? You could've came back to Manchester before now." He was clearly concerned for the girl.

"Oh well, it's more or less over and done with now. It really doesn't matter." She sighed once more. "Anyway, hows your love life going then? And that whole football thing? It's weird seeing my best friend on the big screen."

"You're shitting me?" He sniggered at the first part of Sofia's question. "Me? Get a girlfriend? Absolutely not." Marcus hadn't changed from secondary school, near enough every girl game him then ick. Although it was different now, with most of the girl's only being after his game and money.

"But I'm loving first team football! It's absolutely great to be one of the very few players who make the breakthrough through the youth system. I've made friends for life on either team too." Marcus fantasised over his football career, which had really only just started for the young boy.

"I'm so happy for you that you got to do what you love as a career, not many people get to do that now a days." She smiled, whilst he explained more and more about his footballing career and time at Manchester United.

"And don't worry, none of the boys on the team
compare to you or Kate. Your the two best friends a guy could ask for." The footballer cracked himself up over his cheesy words.

"Well one comes close and that has to be the man himself, JLingz." He said with a widening smile, raving about his closest friend from the team. "You'd love to meet him, you'd get along very well."

"Aw, you're very cheesy." Sof chuckled at his words about her and Katelyn. "We need to go out and catch up properly. How about over a Nando's or something?"

"Yeah." Marcus took to the idea before pausing for a second. "But if you're only here for a couple of days, won't you want to spend it with your family?"

"Don't be stupid, Marc." She shook her head at him. "I'll always have time for my best friend, what do you say for tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." He repeated, confirming their newly made plans. "I'll pick you up around twelve o'clock,"

"Deal!" She double confirmed the plans, as Marcus pulled outside the Michael residence,
consisting of her father, step mother and younger brother.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, then!" Marcus said, before the girl went off to get her case and leave his presence.

"See you later, alligator." She chuckled, before wheeling her suitcase up the drive way, ready to enter her childhood home.


a/n: wow! what a bittersweet moment but i'm glad to say that this book is finally back! (even if it did take four months to edit one chapter!)

for those that don't know, this was the first football book i published way back in 2018/2019 and will always be a favourite of mine <3

hopefully i won't leave it too long before getting the next chapter out to you all.

all my love, b x

𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now