Chapter 21

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Adrien's POV


The person I'd always hoped, but never thought I'd see again.

"Mother!" I repeat, ecstatic tears filling my eyes.

"Adrien!"  She hurries over to me and wraps me in a hug, kissing my forehead.  "Oh, I missed you..."

"I missed you too, Mother.  Every single day..." I sniffle.

Cupping my face in her hands, she asks, "How have you been?  Is everything okay?"

I glance at Father.  He glares back at me, almost like a threat.  "No," I reply anyway. I won't let him control me!

Mother looks at me in concern.  "What happened?"

"My girlfriend Marinette and I... we got hurt.  A lot."

Mother turns to Father.  "You hurt them when you got their miraculouses?" she whispers.

"My akumas did," he replies quietly.  "But they're all right now."

So Mother knows about all this.  My stomach twists.

"Gabriel, that wasn't necessary..."

"I had to get you back.  I didn't really think about the cost.  I'm sorry."

She smiles a little at him.  "Well, I'm glad they're okay."  She gives me a kiss on the cheek, then goes around the table and sits next to him.

I have no idea how to feel.  Whose side is she on?

Marinette takes my hand and massages my palm with her thumb, smiling gently at me.  There's both comfort and concern in her bluebell eyes. She must be as confused as I am.

"Adrien, you must introduce me to your girlfriend," Mother says.

"Oh.  Mother, this is Marinette.  Marinette, this is my mother."

"Emilie."  Mother reaches across the table to shake her hand.  "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too," Marinette replies.

"Where were you all this time?" I ask.

"It's not your position to ask, Adrien," Father scolds.

What?  "But..."

"I was just... out," Mother replies with a smile.  "Maybe I'll explain later."

"You don't need to," Father says, then clears his throat.  "Everyone ready for dinner?"

What's going on?  Since when does Mother have to keep secrets from me?  Why is this happening?

"Oh yes, I'm famished," Mother's responding.

"Yes," Marinette says.

"Um, sure," I mumble.

Father claps, and a chef enters with a cart.  He carefully places a plate of spaghetti in front of each of us, then puts a basket of breadsticks on the table.  We thank him, and he leaves.

My parents start eating, but Marinette and I hesitate, still unsure if we can trust them or not.  Marinette bites her lip worriedly as she looks at me. I shrug a little.

"Adrien, Marinette, eat your dinner," Father commands.

I look down at my plate.  The food does look appetizing, and my stomach is growling.  But I don't want to make him happy.

"Kids..." he warns.

We do nothing.

With a sigh, he turns to Mother.  "They've been doing this to me. Stubbornly rebelling against anything I want them to do, even if it's for their own good!"

"They're just upset, Gabriel," she replies calmly, then looks at us.  "Please, eat your dinner. You need it."

Marinette picks up her fork, then sets it down again.  I twist mine around in the air.

"Listen," Mother continues, softening her voice.  "You've been hurt. You feel wronged. I know. But everything's okay now.  I promise."

It's not okay.  Father has our miraculouses.  But Mother's got a point. Dinner won't hurt us.  Marinette and I exchange glances, then start to eat.

So now someone's here to complicate Marinette and Adrien's resistance plan.  How do you think Emilie will change all this?  Wait and see!

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