Chapter 31

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Adrien's POV

I open my eyes and see that the room has returned to normal. Paris is saved! Marinette, my Marinette, my bugaboo... she did it! I turn to her. She detransforms from two powers and wraps me in a strong embrace. I squeeze her back, spilling joyful tears. I love her. I love her. I love her!

"Here's your ring," she says when we finally pull apart. She hands it to me, and I slip it onto my finger. I can't find any words to thank her, so instead I grab her face and kiss her. She's a bit startled at first, but she kisses back, pulling me close. My hands caress her hair and back, and she grows even more passionate. I haven't felt this happy in my entire life!

"Adrien..." Father calls out weakly.

I pull away and look at him. He's standing next to me, his head bowed and his shoulders stooped. I've never seen him look so guilty, so aged. "Yes, Father?"

"I-I'm sorry. About everything. Truly." He swallows. "I really believed that what I was doing was good because I was giving my family more than they could ever ask for. But in doing so, I ignored everything else that mattered. I was so selfish... I'm so sorry..." He breaks down into sobs.

I'm furious. He stole our miraculouses. He hurt us. He hurt everyone. He destroyed the world. Why should I forgive him? Does he actually deserve any mercy?

Yes, I decide. He was blinded not by cruelty or wickedness, but by love. He injured us not because he enjoyed it, but because he was misguided in the belief that the end justifies the means. Everyone has a motivation and a reason for doing things, and deep down, his was good. That means he can change. And so I hug him tight.

How are you guys?  Are you happy with how this ended?  Do you agree with Adrien's decision?  Let me know!

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