Chapter One

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my name is robert phil epps. i am 25 and i was headed out to get to base when i saw something in my yard. i yelled out to my wife and she saw it too. the thing looked like a giant pod like thing. a part of it opened and i 10 year old girl stepped out she looked woozy. i grabbed her before she fell. "are you okay?" i ask her. "where am i?" she ask. "uh jasper, nevada." i said confused. "no i mean what planet am i on?" she asked "earth." my wife, linda, said. "why do you ask i mean don't you live here?" linda asked the little girl. she shook her head and pointed at space."what planet." i asked "a planet to far away for you to see but at night you can see it like a star a small redish blue star. it is called cybertron. i am the last living human from cybertron. all the others were killed by megatron leader of the decepticons. they are the bad guys."she said in a sad tone. "are they-?" i started "human no. they are alien robots we called atonomous robotic organisms. they have feelings and a heart they call a spark. they are tall and strong the good guys are the autobots. my name is hayley saberavon or just saber hayley or avon if you like. who are you?" she- er- avon asked. "my name is robert epps this is my wife linda epps." i said as we got her inside we sat her down on the couch and linda got her some water, " why do you have the same last name are you related but married by force of your carrier?" hayley asked and our eyes widened in surprise. "no her last name used to be rogers but once a woman marries her fiance they earn the mans last name. sometimes they keep their original last name. what's a carrier?" i asked "a carrier is the mother silly sire is the father." hayley giggled out. "if you like i can teach you both about my home planet but, i don't have a home." hayley said with sorrow laced in her words. " you can live here and we can teach you of earth. like for instance your new name is hayley nova epps. daughter of me and my wife linda epps. " i said jumping up. " you can even meet my military friends. does cybertron have a military?" i finiahed with a question. she giggled and nodded. she even hugged me. i pulled out my phone and dialed Will.

(e= epps l= lennox )

l- hello?

e- man it's me you will not believe what just happened.

l- well for one your late for work tell me when you get here.

e- better yet i will show you. bye

i hung up before he could say anything and i got her some clothes to put on. we got in my truck and drove off to base. when we got there she came out holding my hand. " yo Will. meet hayley. hayley meet captain william lennox. " i said and he looked furious. " hi. my name is hayley saberavon daughter of lily rose avon and autobot leader optimus prime. neice of dinobot leader grimlock. last human of planet cybertron." she whispered and hid behind me. " is this a joke epps?" he asked and i shook my head. " no we found her in some kind of pod in my front yard. she didn't even know what planet she was on." i said and we went to his office. " permission to sit down captain lennox?" hayley asked him and he nodded. " okay so tell me again who you are and what cybertron is." he stated to hayley


captain lennox asked me to explain what i had said earlier so i started

" my name is hayley saberavon daughter of lily rose avon and autobot leader optimus prime neice of dinobot leader grimlock my mothers brother. last human of planet cybertron. cybertron is in a galaxy far away but at night here if you see and star that looks redish blue that is cybertron. megatron, leader of the evil decpeticons, wants to rule over cybertron. but my father optimus prime leader of the good guys called the autobot short for atonoumus robotic organisms, is trying to stop him. my mother died in the hands of the decepticons, and i ran away from cybertron. the autobots and decepticons are a race of sentient beings of robots with emotions and feelings and hearts which are called sparks. there is many forms of cybertronions. but the two factions split them. cybertron is a beautiful planet made up of metal. but the war has killed cybertron. and the autobots had to launch the all spark into space. the all spark is a giant cube that can bring back cybertron and end the war. but megatron wants to use it to destroy the autobots. the cube brings life to cybertronions and it creates life for my home. primus our diety created cybertron for the beings after he created the thirteen original primes. one of which was soulus prime and another named prima. cybertron was made of primus's empty body after he turned himself into the planet and using his spark to create the well of the all spark it is like heaven but for robots. while unicron primus's younger brother and the one he had to defeat was turned into one of the many moons cybertron has. his corupted spark cretaed the pit where all ruthless autobots and decepticons go when they have been destroyed, i am so hoping sentinal will go there, don't ask about him. anything else you wanna know captain lennox?" i finished and for being ten i am that smart. " uh no i don't think so. but let me ask this why are you here?" he asked me " because i felt unwanted by my father a decepticon named lockdown took my uncle and his team captive and my mother is dead all the other humans of cybertron are dead. i had nowhere else to go. this was the only other planet with life." i finished. he nodded and smiled at me. "welcome to earth avon." he said and shook my hand.

i have a home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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