Dragged into hell

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Okay so this was inspired by a writing prompt where a demon drags you into hell so ya. Enjoy

I laid there asleep, safely snuggled into your blankets. Dreaming a... pretty gay dream but never the less a good...,lewd dream. I always told myself that I were fine and know evil thingies were out there to drag me back in hell, but this time..., Well this time, I was wrong

I slowly drifted off to sleep after convincing myself that Mark Pellegrino wasn't going to drag me into hell to have a tea party. After a few minutes of sleep, A odd source of heat fell upon my face. But this source of heat was intoxicating and not from the heater so I turned to my side trying to ignore the heat and to cool myself down. Until the ever so slight tugging at my blanket scared me, making me awake from my slumber to find something truly horrifying .

A portal to Hell materialized next my bed as I slept, I wanted to scream for help but all that came out my mouth was a whimper, a small cry for help that no one could hear. As I tried to move a hand, a scaly, clawed hand ripped the blankets off of me and grabbed my arm

I yelled as a tried to break free of the demon's grasp but they still clung onto my arm. Yet their grip tighten their claws sunk into my arm. I screamed in trying to rip my arm away from the demon only make the pain worst, As I lost consciousness my mind began to slip 

 And I began to wonder, wondering why no one has heard my cries of pain, My pleads for help. The ripping my clothes, the tearing of my flesh, The snapping of my bones. Until, I fell into the portal. The heat was intense, burning the remains of my shirt . It seemed like I fell for a eternity, until I landed on the ground  breaking my legs and  neck killing me instantly 

Or so I thought

I shot from my bed in a cold sweat, And began calming myself down, reassuring myself: It was just a dream, just a, stupid, irrelevant, scary, dream. As laid back down, I felt heat, the same intense heat burning on the back of my head. 

I whipped my head around just in time to see it,Its three heads, Its dark glowing eyes, its coal black fur, its jagged ,disheveled rows of teeth from its mangled mouth, foaming at its mouth. And for a second, for one fucking second second, It was smiling, its face distorting as his jaws clutched around my throat, I was going to scream, but I was frozen, I watched helplessly as it started clawing my into flesh, As it teared my limps apart, as it gnawed on my neck, ripping off my flesh effortlessly, It was eating me alive. I thought: I can finally die in peace, I can die, without feeling anymore pain, without any suffering. 


  I woke up again,

"What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck!" I yelled grabbing my hair. I stood up from my bed  but fell into a portal, After dying I was back in my bed, Yet another portal appeared and I die again. "Why?, Why is this happening to me?" I sobbed, However, this wasn't the first time. 

Each minute you were dragged into hell, getting dissected, beaten, hanged, stabbed, tortured. Then I realized this, This was my  hell. My eternal suffering , my special tournament.

Then I felt His presence 

"M-mark?" I said with voice cracking as I turned  around slowly. "Not quite" He said dropping me into a portal

 Hey so if  that was anticlimactic I'm sorry, I'm pretty tired so I hope you like this so ya Bye

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