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HEy unsuspecting viewer whose waiting EVER so patiently for the next story or in this case part. You may be wondering: "What in the absolute hell is it taking so long just to  write some mediocre story!?" Well, I'll tell you! IM DEPRESSED AS FUCK MAN! And not just that, ive been writing some not bad stories (most about gay cannibals, gay situations, And murder ) But I always procrastinate and proceed to jump to conclusion on peoples reactions on the stories (especially the smut) I and end up deleting and/or re-writing them. Hopefully you guys understand, Also I hope that one day I can just say: "FUCK YOU SOCIETY AND PEOPLE'S OPINIONS!, YOU CAN SUCK MY DICK thaT I DONT HAVE!" SO!, that being said, pleeeease be patient with me! Thanks :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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