Know that ...

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Sorry for not being active.

I came here today to point out something!
Even tough I am a beauty page and I try to teach you guys how you can be cute with your natural skin and all that stuff. I think it's also important that y'all know that beauty starts from the inside and is reflected on the outside. So beauty is also how you make people feel by your words, your behaviour, ... and so on. Be kind to other people spread love. It's crazy cause in nowadays world we encourage girls to be bad bitches. Why??? I don't understand that! Being a bad bitch is just a person with 1 a ugly soul who is not happy with herself and try to spread her negativity around her by being rude! 2 not confident at all! A mean individual. I prefer calling y'all Strong women cause a strong woman is not mean she is just filled with confidence and she knows what she wants she is respectful and also respected! But sometimes we confuse it and we think that being a bad bitch is the same as being a strong woman but NO it isn't. So girls everyday when you wake up seek to make this day the best as you can and to be a better you in every situation.

~When you can't control a situation you are in, you can still control how you react to it.~

Lots of kisses 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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