chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven.
3rd point of view.
Find any mistakes please tell me - thank you.

'I may look calm but in my mind i've killed you three times'

With Allura... (cassually waiting for someone to come and murder me)

Next day.
Time - 8:00am

Allara paced back and foward infront of her fathers door. How would he react? He thought it would happen with ease. That Keith would fall in love with her the second they met, so did she, Allura thought that too.

But now evey plan they had was screwed up. Just because of some simple peasent girl who thought she owned the place. Now what was Allura going to do? How would she become queen now? Thats all she even wanted, thr power to rule. Its what she deserved.

She sucked in some breath and let it out again before knocking on her fathers door. "Come in" a low voice was heard, it was grouchy, unpleased. Allura could already tell she was in big trouble.

Her heels clicked agaisnt the wooden flooring, she slowed down with every step she took, wishing she just turned around intead and go to her own room.

"What happened!? You had one job! Make the king fall in love with you!" He roared, his hands turned into fists and pounded into the wooden table infront of him.

Allura flinched, "I know, im planning on going back but i needed to tell you soemthing, father." Allura muttered, her voixe timide for once, not loud and annoying like all the other times.

Her father hummed and nodded his head, his glare still shown towards his daughter.

"It wasn't my fault. I didn't know he would fall in love with a simple peasent girl. Let her live in the castle, then think he can kick his fiance out." She huffed, anger crossing her features as she scowled, crossing her arms over her chest.

Her fathers eyes grew wide, he rummaged through his paper work. "We will have to think of another plan then, since one and two didn't go to well, hopefully three will go much better" he mumbled.

"Yes, plan one didn't go well, Shiro died and now plan two didn't go well, Keith fell in love with someone else. Why don't the kings ever like me?" She muttered under her breath, quiet enough for nobody to hear.

"Coran!" Her father yelled. A man walked in with ginger hair, bowed down towards the two of them and smiled brightly.

"Take Allura back to the castle and this time, you will be staying with her two." He ordered, Coran nodded and stood up straight, hid arms held behind his back, he looked professional.

"I will send you letters about the plan while your there, just try to get this girl out of the way and for Keith to love you." Allura's father ordered once again.

Coran grabbed Allura by the hand and made her follow behind him to the carriage that will take the both back to the castle. He helped up up onto it as Allura held her Orange dress up to stop her from tripping.

Coran got into the carriage after her, sitting infront as he stared into Alluras annoyed looking eyes. He sighed "you don't have to do this you know" Coran muttered.

Allura nodded, her white hair bobbing up and down. Giving Coran one glare she turned to look out the carriage window.

"I know that, Corran. I... Just want him to accept me and if I have to do this I will." She muttered under her breath, a sad sigh escaping her painted red lips.

Coran sighed, "but you love Shiro" Coran answered. Allura shook her head, a small smile playing in her lips.

"Yes, I did. But he's dead now, he would of never returned the feelings anyway.. he was gay." Allura muttered, a small tear falling from her eye, remembering how she woke up to Shiro gone and then heard he was dead.

"Let them be happy, Allura. Theres always Lotor, you know how he feels about you. Would it be that hard to see if you could return the feelings one day?" Corran asked.

"I... it wouldn't be bad, I just want fathers acceptence. Thats all, its all I ever wanted" Allura muttered under her breath, loud eniugh for Coran to hear.

Coran leaned back into a slouch, his heart hammered in his chest as regret consumed him, sorrow filled his being as he looked at thr young woman batteling between right and wrong, acceptance or love.

He could only mutter one thing under his breath, so quite Allura couldn't even hear what he was saying, and that he was glad for.

"Your not even his daughter"

By the way. I just winged this whole chapter. I have no idea what im doing.

Thoughts on Allura?
Thoughte in Coran? What do you think he knows?

ALSO! have any of you realised we haven't seen or heard about Y/N's father yet. Not fully anyway.

Any questions?

Well besides that! I hope you liked the chapter and if you did. Please vote and comment.

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