Chapter eighteen

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Chapter eighteen of King~

3rd point of view.

With Allura

If you find any mistakes, please tell me - Thank you.

'I made a mistake last night maybe I can make it right, sat down close to you'

Allura huffed, it was early in the morning and her bags were heavily packed. Black bags were under her eyes as she stayed up mostly the whole night, trying to pack her precious clothes and makeup, Her hair was matted and un-brushed as she was quickly rushed out of the castle, the maids very eager for her to leave.

She huffed as she was pushed out from the castle gates, blowing her white hair from her face as she tiredly dragged her bags across the floor. Corran wasn't to far behind her, a unclean look on his face, he didn't look happy at all, a matter of fact he was pissed, absolutely pissed but he would never dare say that the spoilt brats face, scared of a toddler outburst.

Allura held her bags out to Corran, a daring look on her face as she slightly pouted. "Take them" She hissed and threw a light one towards his chest, Corran didn't move a inch, letting the tiny bag it his chest then fall to the floor with a thud by his feet.

"Carry them yourself, Allura. You got yourself into this mess alone, now get yourself out of it alone." He grumbled, throwing the bag back towards her. He was very disappointed with her, as her tutor he thought he taught her well, he seemed to be wrong and that took a blow to his ego. Taking as much time as possible to help someone grow, only for it to be shoved in his face when she grew up to be a spoilt brat.

"Your my tutor! My protector while I'm away from father! You do as I say!" She screeched, pulling at her white hair angrily, her blue eyes blazing with anger, shoving her bags into the carriage quickly she huffed, standing, waiting for Corran to help her in, like it was his job.

"I used to be your tutor, your protector on the other hand, I was never that just like I'm no slave. Tell your 'father' that I'll be staying here and if he wishes to speak to me he'll have to come here himself" Corran huffed out, he was growing old, his orange hair starting to frail something that only happened when he was under severe stress.

"So be it! But don't think you'll get treated any better here, Not with that spiteful peasant taking all the glory." She hissed, though her words sounded slurred as well as if she was making it all up on the spot. With a stomp of her foot she turned on her heel and climbed into the carriage herself, with trouble and tripping when her heel got stuck between the small steps that were supposed to help climb into it.

"Spiteful? I find her quite pleasant to be around. For someone who hasn't had the tutoring you have she has much better manners and knows how to bring someone up instead of stomp on them when they've been pushed down" Corran muttered under his breath, though loud enough for Allura to hear his comments to the female she despised so much.

The horses hooves hit heavily against the sandy, dirty outside floors. Corran waved a bitter goodbye as Allura screeched every swear word under the sun outside the window.

3rd Point of view

With Keith and Y/n

A group of five people sat in a small circle in your room, Amara sitting in between you and Pidge, and you sitting to Keith's left, laying her small head on Pidges legs as she stared up at everyone excitedly. "So are we going to play truth or dare or what!? It will hopefully help everyone relax a little bit!" She giggled with a clap of her hands.

A chorus of yes filled the room, Keith sat there awkwardly, not knowing how to play any of these games. Pidge chuckled at the look on Keith and quickly explained the 'rules' of the game, knowing sooner of later they were going to be broken.

"Ok, who's going first?" Amara squealed excitedly and then suddenly just yelled out a question herself, pointing towards Pidge. "Pidge! Truth or Dare!" She yelled, bouncing around.

"Truth" Pidge huffed, a look of regret on her face as she glanced around the room for help.

She knew Amara enough to know that she would go overboard with anything and if tt meant turning into the little demon she is, then so be it.

"Who... was the last person you punched or hit?" Amara giggled, with a small knowing smile on her face. Pidge smirked, looking down at her fist.

"Someone everyone hates with a passion, Allura. She Pi--- Got me really angry so i just slightly booped her in the nose. Only slightly! There wasn't too much blood" She giggled. Everyone slightly laughed, Keith chuckled, mentioning that she was also the last person he had hit, also mentioning that it was rare for him to even get angry anymore.

Pidge then got to go next, a sly smirk on her face as she stared at the two of you, being Keith and yourself. She then stared at Keith in the eye, she knew Keith would take a dare, it was obvious. "Keith, truth or dare?" She chuckled a look of excitement on her face.

"Dare!" He said proudly, completely regretting it a second later as the words left her lips.

"I dare you... to kiss the person to your left" She chuckled once more, it was a sort of evil laugh and Amara quickly giggled and squealed, giving Pidge a huge high five. Keith blushed as he looked at you, your cheeks here tinted pink as she looked down at your hands. You looked up at Keith as he leaned in towards you slowly, not to sure on what he was really doing, you leaned in to, your cheeks going bright red as your lips connected, a small kiss between the two of you., then the two of you quickly pulling apart, both coving your face as they grew a bright red.

'Cos Every time we touch I feel the static and every time we kiss I reach for the sky'.

Question asked this earlier on as well but still be asking it here- If I were to write a non Voltron fanfic / x reader would you read it? 

If so any suggestions on what fandom, or characters you would like to read a x reader or fanfic of?

Anyway! I hope you liked the chapter if you did, please vote and comment - beth  <3

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