Chapter 16

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~Jenna's POV~

"Hey, Ty. Can we talk?" I said as we were walking. Adam went to Kyle. "What about?" Ty said and i took a deep breath. "I think i like Kyle?" i said and Ty smiled. He picked me up and hugged me. "Why are so so energetic?" I said he put me down. "Jenna that ls awesome!" Ty said and i shrugged. "But, im not sure. Ty, you pretty much LOVE Adam. What does it feel like?" I asked he starred at me. "You'll know it. You can't stop thinking of them. Always want to see them. You smile when their name come up" Ty said looking at Adam. "Thanks. And, you cant tell anyone. Especially not Adam or Kyle. Because i dont know if he likes me anyway" I said and walked up. Adam slipped back to Ty. "Hair still wet?" Kyle said and i smirked. I grabbed my wet hair and squirted him. He laughed and tried to dry off. "COUPLE*covers it with cough*" Ty said and we looked at each other blushing. When we reached a little area, that had a cave thing, we all sat down. "Okay, lets just, sit for a while. Jerome and i will be back soon" Mitch said and they went off. "Ty and i need to talk about... um.. food" Adam said and they ran off to. "leaves you and me" Kyle said and i leaned against a tree. "I'm not one for talking. But. Why not?" I said he kind of smiled. "Can i ask you something?" Kyle said and i shrugged. "Sure" i said sitting beside him again. "Where did you get those scars?" Kyle said and i looked at him. "Well. My mom, she never cared about me. And neither did anyone in my family, other than my dad. But, he worked constantly. So he was never home. I got so, depressed. I started cutting. A few times, it was my sister. Or mom. But, mostly me" I said looking at my hands. Kyle held one. I looked up at him. He ran his other finger across them. And kissed each one. "LOOK! THEIR HOLING HANDS!" Adam said running to us. We let go and separated. "No we weren't!" i said as Kyle and i both went a deep scarlet red. "Oh really? What were you doing then?" Ty said and Mitch and Jerome walked out. Hair a mess. "Showing him my scars" I said and They laughed again. "Whats up?" Jerome said and they laughed harder. "THEY WERE HOLDING HANDS! Check Kyle's lips! Make sure he hasn't got any lip balm on it! or whatever she uses" Everyone laughed except Kyle and i. He looked at me and smiled. I did to. "Well all know what you and Jerome just did anyway Mitch" I said and they went red. "And what Adam and Ty do" Kyle said and i looked confused. "What do they do?" I said and Ty and Adam kept saying for Kyle not to tell. "In the middle of the night, they start making out" Kyle said and we all laughed. "Hey look! Over there!" Ty said.

My love, My life, My everything. Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now