Mi Armor

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The fluff in my pillows were just enough to make me fall asleep. The sun dripped in the window shade and made my eyes wake and see Anise drowning in the pillow next to me. I rolled over and faced her while scooting her little body closer. Seems to be that she I have no idea how I'm going to raise this beautiful little girl by myself. Her course hair graced her face , her chocolate skin absorbing the sun , and with that her eyes fluttered open and she smiled clinging to my body.

" Your not my daddy but I wish that you were because I welly ,welly like you."

I smiled at the first sentence that consisted of more that one word. I didn't know what to say so I figured that she might be hungry.

" What do want for breakfast , darling?" I smiled

" Pantycakes, eggs, and bacon ," she expressed , " That's my favorite ."

" Well that's what mi armor with get after she brushes her teeth and washes up." I smiled

She lifted the covers off of her, which seemed to be a struggle," what does that mean?" she asked.

" Mi armor?" she looked up at me as I sat up, " It means my love. I said it in Spanish babygirl."

She said nothing but seemed to be procesing the words. We made out way to my bathroom that smelled of cinnamon and Nutella. Without question, I went straight to the sink and she took the pink toothbrush I gave her and looked at it funny.

" Pink?" she questioned

I paused before I moved to the top layer of my teeth and asked, " Do you not like it?"

She touched the bristles and kindly responded, "No. Pink is not my favorite."

I made a face, " What is your favorite? "

Quietly standing there she seemed to be in thought, " White. White is my favorite. "

She ran the tooth brush under the warm water and I slightly nodded, continuing to finish deodorizing my breath. Being that she was a small girl, I assumed that would be her favorite color, but I'm happy she knows what she enjoys so I'm not deciding on everything for her.

I spit the now foam out of my mouth and rinsed my mouth out while at it. After she was done brushing her teeth with the bubble gum tooth paist I took the power-puff wash cloth I purchased for her and ran it under the faucet.

" Power-puff is my favorite." she pointed at the cloth. The three animated girls flowed across the towel as I applied soap and gently wiped her face off.

I quickly splashed water on my face and took her hand and started toward the door, " I will get you a new toothbrush the next time we go to the store." she nodded in response.

After the trip along the hallway and down the wodden stairs, we finnaly made it into the kitchen where all of the ingredients for her favorite was stored. Collecting the correct product for the breakfast she so dearly wanted, I prepared for the cooking and set on the television for her.

" What would you like to watch?" I asked her,flicking through the channels.

She sat down on the couch and let her feet barely dangle, " Power-puff please. " she clapped

" Okay princesa. " , I flipped through the recored and clicked on the first episode I seen. After seeing she was satisfied with the choice she made, I walked away, continuing to cook breakfast which was turning into more of a brunch, according to the time.

After using up enough of the batter for the pancakes, which was the last thing I cooked since it took the longest, I got down one plate for me and a plate for her. I scraped some eggs from the pan onto the smaller plastic plate and into mine as well. Receving three pancakes for myself and one for her, I took out some mixed fruit I purchased a little while ago.

" Anais its time to eat. " I walked into the living room and paused the cartoon as she slid off the couch and came to the table.

She was not quite taller than the table so she asked me for help to get into her chair. I remembered that I would have to get a booster for her. " Do you know how to pray?" she asked

Suprised I put down my fork and grinned, " Would you like to?" I asked and she nodded yes.

" There was one that my mommy tought me when I was younger that goes, God is great, God is good. Let us thank him for our food, amen. It was only before we ate though. "

She closed her eyes and attempted to repeat me, "God is great. Lets thank him for oyr food, amen." she smiled and picked up her fork.


After wr were done, we both got dressed. She had on a peach colored short sleaved shirt and white leggings with peach and yellow flowers on it. On her feet were tiny clear jelly shoes that she seemed to enjoy. My outfit consisted mainly of a dark blue shirt and some regular jeans. My shoes were plain and matched my shirt. I sat down to attempt and do her hair. She squirmed and yelped out when I took a brush to the ends.

" I am sorry baby but we have to do it. " I pleaded.

Her sholders cringed with every brush and I put some curl activator into it. I had very little experence with her hair, but because it was curly like mine I knew somewhat how to do it. After i smoothed in the goop and applyed the brush to her edges , the hair started to slick. I put a peach colored head band on her head and fluffed out the back which was left out in many thick curls.

Her tear stained face looked at me when i was finished and my heart dropped. " Im sorry but i couldn't let you walk out the house looking nappy babygirl." I explained

She layed her head on my knee and then got up and twirled arpund a few times. I took the keys to the house and begain for the door. She followed behind me and I took her hand. " Where are we going? " she tugged on my pants.

" The Library. "

Oh my, the lack of writing I have had lately. It feels good to be back. Because of the time it is as far as school, i ha ent set a schedule on when i will be able to update but hopefully it will become consistant.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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