new oc

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idek what to call him but i made him a backstory now

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idek what to call him but i made him a backstory now. 

hes a shy introverted cinnamon roll and hes gay.

he has hands its just not connected to his body :V

hes some kind of glitch i guess :V hes related to technology like computers.

he was born in a kind of digital place well not rlly born more like made of like a queen bee giving birth.

he was made like the others except he actually has feelings unlike the others.

the superior (master?king???) took notice of this and got jealous so he banished the bean into um earth i guess.

thats where he meets my other ocs.

the end oof.

im still smiling about the fact my crush called me 'baby' by accident xd.

but i notice him sometimes just staring at me at lunch,recess and class like my other friend keeps noticing this :V

ill try to update eddsworld x child reader.

see ya.

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