焚情 | Burning Love

711 21 2

EDIT: So after much procrastination, I finally finished the CC for the song and I noticed some issues with the lyrics at  2:39-2:48. Namely, the lack of lyrics. I couldn't find anything in Chinese at all. I did what I could by ear but the lyrics at 2:44-2:46 is a complete mystery to me and my Chinese-fluent friends, there are simply way too many possibilities. If someone does know the lyrics for sure, please let me know. I will add it in.

I edited in the lyric changes below.



"I rarely say this to you. But today, there's some things that should be said. There might not be an opportunity later."


风起 火纵

The wind rises, the fire released


Unspeakable pain of corroding bones and flesh

独立 抬眸

Standing alone, looking up


Despair within bruises and thorns

炎阳旗烈烈 悲恸

The fierce flag of sun, filled with grief

主楼高阁化 残冢

The mighty towers, now in ruins

对恶语纷纷 何纵容

Towards the curses, how to bear


Life and death within my home

傲骨任挫灰 不终

Arrogant bones ground to dust, undone

破盒离魂去 乘风

Broken case with the soul, in the wind

无奈风兼雨 打飞红

Helpless against wind and rain, scattering the red


Becoming mud and dust to churn


Healing became a weapon


Weapons unlowered, how do we weigh the right and wrong

何方采仙草 医世心

Where to find spiritual herbs, to cure the heart


To work without recognition



"Wen Ning, go brew the medicine for that brat.


"Think clearly, even I am only half confident about this kind of burden, the risks are huge!"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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"焚情 | Burning Love" - 记温情 (Remember Wen Qing) English TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now