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I'm alone. I feel like that's me being self-centered, saying that. I don't know what to do, not anymore. My life, being rather boring, is still rather ... In shreds? A mess? A boring, dull, unfixable mess.

The life of a maybe sociopath. The life of me. And I have *no clue* what to do about it. It's damned irritating, being unable to do anything about it. Or rather, unable to *know* what to do.

I honestly need help, but it's hard to get help for some problem one doesn't even know. The only problem that I actually recognize as a problem is that my life is a boring, dull, unfixable mess. I don't even know *how* it's a mess, or *what about it* is a mess, only that it *is* one. Same for it being unfixable. How can I figure out what to do if I don't even know ... *anything*?!

This sucks. I... Seem to be lacking in answers. And in determination. And in pretty much everything else besides reading.

Is it even a mess? Or a problem? For all I know, my life could be right on track, right where it needs to be for me to become the best I could be. I wouldn't know. I never will, I don't think. Maybe? I dunno. I feel like I should know, but I don't. I wish I did know. I wish I knew everything, and anything. Anything and everything *about* anything and everything. I really, truly wish that. If only it could come true, yeah? ... Maybe.

Well? Move on. Go. Do something. What are you waiting for? Just know.

What am I to do?

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