because of your giggle

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1- I love you because of your giggle. When you laugh, I hear every good sound in the entire world at the same time. It makes my heart swell up with love so much that I feel like I might explode. I want to record your giggle and play it for the world to hear, so they can smile at you like I do. 

Erik Stocklin was tired. His bleary eyes watched buildings shoot by the window in an early-morning haze. The warm and enticing throes of slumber still had Erik in their clutches. He felt himself growing sleepy and leaning his head against the stiff leather seat of the rental car. His eyelids fell over his eyes and tumbled into the drunken stupor of sleep. Absentmindedly crossing between the waking and sleeping world, Erik wasn't aware that the car had stopped. 

A cold burst of air and the sound of his passenger-side door opening brought Erik closer towards the waking world. A loud giggle woke him up completely. 

"Morning, sleepyhead," the source of the giggle was suddenly clear. A familiar brunette peered down into the car, amused by the sight of the sleeping Stocklin.  

"It's early, Colleen," Erik mumbled, rubbing the remnants of his early-morning nap out of his eyes, "how are you so excited?"

"We're going to Hawaii, Stocklin!" She reminded him, "how are you not jumping with excitement?"

Still rubbing his eyes, Erik tried to get out of the car. He forgot to move forward and instead stood straight up, banging his head loudly against the roof of the car. The top of his head erupted in pain and tears sprung into his eyes. Blinking fast, he hopped out of the car, rubbing his head. 

Colleen slowly came into focus. Whether she was blurry because of his exhaustion or possible concussion, Erik had no idea. She was clutching her sides, giggling so hard she couldn't breathe. She was wrapped in a fuzzy shawl and had donned her trademark skinny jeans and sweatshirt for the trip. She continued to howl with laughter as Erik took a comedic bow. This only made her giggle harder. 

"Ow...." Erik muttered. 

"Oh my god," Colleen wiped tears from her cheeks, "are you okay?"

"Yeah," Erik grimaced, rubbing the top of his head. Colleen turned to tip the taxi driver who'd dropped him off. Erik watched her suppress her laughter and he murmured under his breath "I love your laugh."

"Huh?" Colleen said absentmindedly, still closing up her wallet. 

"Nothing," Erik mumbled, his heart skipping a beat. 

"My god, queen of mumbling," Colleen rolled her eyes dramatically and laughed again, before grabbing her suitcase and heading towards the airport doors. 

"Why can't I be less of an idiot," Erik mused to himself. He'd fallen asleep on the six-minute car ride to the airport, banged his head on a door and almost let Colleen hear him tell her he loved her. What a morning this was turning out to be. At least he'd made her laugh. 

As he waited for Colleen to check her suitcase, Erik pulled out his phone. He opened his notes app and started a new note. I can't be that careless again. He thought to himself. What if Colleen had heard? How would I explain that I am in love with my best friend? He began to type on his phone. He titled the note "reasons why I love you," and wrote down his first reason- her giggle.

"When I have one hundred reasons," Erik decided, "I'll show it to her and tell her I love her."

"Hey, Stocklin! Are you coming?" Somehow, Colleen had walked away from the absent-minded Erik without him noticing. She turned back to look at her friend, giggling "or do I need to help you walk?" 

Erik rolled his eyes and muttered a quick "no," before shoving his phone in his pocket and obligingly following his best friend through the airport. 

AN: Hi! This is Zo. I also have another super active Erikleen fanfic (Thinking out loud), so some of you might recognize my style. This one is really different, and while it will follow the format of the "100 reasons," it will also tell a story. If you have any suggestions, again, feel free to comment!

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