because you remember my coffee order

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2- I love that you remember my coffee order. When we stand in line together at Starbucks and you order my drink, I love you so much I could yell it to everyone in the store. When you add a little bit of milk and two spoonfuls of sugar, I feel like we're an old, married couple. The fact that that you remember something about me makes me love you even more.   

Erik was pretty sure his head was going to explode. He pressed his clammy fingertips to his temples and pushed his skin back and forth. He squeezed his eyes shut firmly as his fingers explored his forehead, searching for the source of his pain. He groaned, pressing his palms against his forehead, willing his headache to disappear. Erik got migraines every so often. They always began as a dull ache in the front of his head and slowly became unbearable. Of course, he'd get a migraine in the airport on the way to Hawaii. Of course. 

Erik buried his head in his hands and sighed. Ow. Shit.  He groaned again and took his head out of his hands. Although he tried to open his eyes slowly, the bright lights of the terminal sent another shooting pain through his head. He wanted to appreciate this trip, he really did. He wanted to appreciate the little moments, like when Colleen forgot to empty her bottle of water before security and drank the whole thing or when she sprinted off to pee moments later, shoving all her stuff in Erik's arms. He wanted to appreciate that she trusted him to hold her stuff and that she wanted him to wait for her to pee. He wanted to savor every moment. But his head hurt so damn much. 

Searching for something to alleviate his pain, Erik's hands fumbled with the feeble zipper to his backpack. 

"Hey, Stocklin." 

Erik looked up from his fruitless search for medication. His favorite brunette had plopped herself down on the airport floor next to him. In her hands, she held two Starbucks cups. One held Colleen's iced tea and the other held a steaming hot espresso. 

"Hi," Erik mumbled 

"I brought you something," Colleen announced, holding up the latte in her left hand. Erik grinned as he noticed that she'd remembered to add a dash of milk and two spoonfuls of sugar, the way he liked it. 

"I see that," Erik chuckled, taking his espresso from Colleen, "thank you so much."

"Espresso, milk, two sugars and a bit of caramel!" Colleen recited proudly.

"You're incredible," Erik mumbled against his cup.

"How are you feeling?" Colleen watched Erik take a long sip of his espresso 

"Feels better now that you're here." Erik murmured, hoping his voice was quiet enough for her not to hear. 

"Aww, Erik," Colleen sighed, moving her free arm on to Erik's arm, "You're cute when you're not feeling well."

"No," Erik muttered, attempting to hide his flushed face in his sweatshirt, adding quickly "must be my fever."

"A fever!" Colleen laughed, "Erik you don't need to make up a fever excuse to say cute things"

"How do you know?" Erik's face turned even brighter red, "I could be dying!"

"Please don't" Colleen giggled, adding "what would I do without my best friend?"

"Yeah," Erik retorted, "who would wait for you while you pee?"

Colleen burst out laughing and turned to Rachel to recount the moment. She didn't take her arm off Erik's, even when Rachel pulled out her vlog camera to capture Kory bedazzling an airport chair. Erik sat on the floor of the airport drinking his coffee and added the second reason he loved Colleen- because she remembered his espresso with milk and two sugars. 

AN: Hi! It's been a really long time since I've thought about this story. I love the idea- a story told through different reasons why Erik loves Colleen. I'm definitely going to keep going with it. Sorry for never uploading- I'm in my junior year of high school and it's really rough. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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