The Legend of the Gobblewonker

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It was another day in the Pine household, the triplets were gathered at the dining room table. Mabel and Dipper were having a maple syrup battle whilst Malika was reading avoiding the sticky mess entirely as she lost herself in the narrative. Making sure no pages were smeared with the sickly concoction. 

"Are you ready for the ultimate challenge?" Mabel questioned, holding up a bottle that said 'Sir Syrup.

Dipper raised his also, Mountie Man it was named. "I'm always ready." 

"Then you know what this means!" She added.

"Syrup race!" They both tilt their bottles back. Holding it high from their mouths as the slow-moving liquid escaped from its respective cage. Each of them making an 'Ahh' noise as they opened their mouths. 

Cheer's for their teams picked up as Mal watched amused. Rolling her eyes at their antics. 

"Almost... almost..." Mabel cheers, tapping the bottom of syrup so it drips onto her tongue. "Yes!" she cheers coughing at the strong taste. "I won!" She continues coughing. 

Dipper picked up the newspaper his younger sister had finished with earlier that morning. 

"Ho ho, no way! Hey guys, check this out." He said pointing to an advert about a monster photo contest. 

"Yes Dipper, I saw.'

"Human-sized hamster balls?" the eldest gasps. "I'm human-sized!"

"No, no, Mabel. This." He shows her the ad he was originally speaking of. "We see weirder stuff than that every day! We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we?"

"Nope, just memories. And this beard hair." Mabel holds up a tuff of white hair, obviously coming from their opponent.

"I have a blood sample, it has surprising properties." 

"Okay one, why did you save that," Dipper says to Mabel who shrugged then he turned to Mal.

"Second how did you get that?" 

"I have my ways." She said simply, tucking a tuff of her hair behind her ear, wearing the pin her Grukle had given her. 

Speaking of, or well... writing of. 

"Good morning, knuckleheads. You three know what day it is?" He says coming in to greet his grand-nieces and nephew. 

"Um... Happy anniversary?"

"Mazel tov!"

"Friday, today is Friday." 

Grunkle Stan smacks Dipper in the head with the newspaper. "It's Family Fun Day, genius!" He walks to the fridge to look through it. He decides on grabbing a carton of milk. "We're cuttin' off work and having one of those, you know," He sniffs the milk, wrinkling his nose. "bonding-type deals."

Mal got up, handing her Grunkle a muffin that she'd made earlier, then crossing over and handing him a cup of coffee. 

"Thanks, kid."

She nodded before returning to the table waiting for him to continue. 

"Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be anything like our last family bonding day?"

Mal smiled at the thought. They'd been making counterfeit money. 

"The county jail was so cold," Mabel whispered shuddering dramatically. Thankful Mal had put her AA (Autism Awarness see top) bracelet on which the officer recognized and allowed her to sit at a desk whilst her family resided in the cell. 

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