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“I still can’t believe you wanted to hit me for real.” She'd wanted to slap him. He knew Hannah had a temper on her, it was one of those things he admired but that Friday night still felt like something out of the twilight zone. He wasn’t certain what had shaken him more, her request or the fact she'd raised a hand on him. This was also a clear sign of the fact that she hadn't been in her right mind that day.
“Yeah, well, I still can’t believe you tracked me down,” Hannah grumbled and he made a face. It wasn’t a decision Cristiano was particularly proud of but desperate times required desperate actions and his best friend in a BDSM club most certainly qualified as desperate. The thought that she'd jump head first into something she had no idea about was terrifying. The club wasn't a playground for the inexperienced. There were rules that she had no idea about and clearly, wasn't aware she should ask some things before starting flirting with someone.
“I said I was sorry, goldfish.” He sighed, kicked the ball around her chair, knowing she always tried to follow and ended up complaining that she got dizzy. He found this highly entertaining, of course, especially when she ended up staring at the ceiling with exaggerated sighs like she was about to faint.
“You did but you really aren’t sorry at all, you overprotective bastard.” She rolled her eyes before she covered her face with her hands. “Can you stop? It makes me dizzy.”
“I know.” He grinned and spinned around in front of her with the ball on his feet. He wasn't overprotective but he knew more of this than her and his concern was well placed, considering she'd started toying with one of the vicious Dom. Cristiano didn't judge anyone for their kinks because everyone enjoyed whatever they wanted to and there were boundaries, everything was based on consent. However, the thought of Hannah in a forceplay, let alone a blood play made his stomach twist.
“I gotta go.“ She chuckled as she glanced at her watch. “Don’t want to be late and wait hours for check in.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you to the airport?” He asked as he stopped and bent down for the ball, pulled it under his arm. He didn’t like when she couldn’t go to his matches, his lucky charm but work was work, if anyone, he understood.
“No, I’ll take my car and leave it in the parking lot.” She stood up and stretched her arms above her head. Cristiano stared at her for a moment as her chest pushed forwards and her back bent, she was catlike, even her eyes had mischief sparkling in them all the time. He felt his cock hardening against his fly as he imagined her bowing her back in pleasure while he... What even? He'd never thought of her like that before. It was her damn fault for planting the thought on his mind. “We can talk about the rest later.”
“What rest?” Cristiano blinked rapidly with a shake of his head, pulling himself back from his thoughts. He placed his free hand on his hip, eyebrow raised at her. He thought she was over this nonsense. He'd also be over it in no time and stop looking at her like she was his next meal. She must have tasted nice, her scent was like strawberry macaron with a hint of cinnamon, her lips shining with her favourite coconut lipgloss. Pull your head out of your ass, he growled mentally. “Hannah?” He asked again when she ignored her, preoccupying herself with her bag, her features hardened.
“Hey, I let myself in,” Sergio appeared at the door but Cristiano didn’t even look at him. “I can come back later,” he added, moving his gaze between the two of them.
“No need, I’m leaving anyway.” She smiled at Sergio with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Good luck tomorrow.” She stood on her tiptoes and patted a kiss on Cristiano’s cheek before she turned to leave.
“What rest, Hannah?” He called after her but she ignored him as she kissed Sergio on the cheek as well and walked away. He cursed under his breath, dropped the ball and kicked it across the garden angrily. This was no good, no good at all.
“She isn’t going to back down, you know,” Sergio said as he laid over one of deckchair with his arms under his head.
“What?” Cristiano grunted. What the fuck Sergio knew about any of this madness?
“Hannah.” He rolled his eyes. What the hell? Did she send a mail to everyone she's ever fancied? “I talked to her and she’s serious about it.” He felt his muscles strain, his eyes narrowed at his teammate. What did this mean? If Sergio even just thought about… “Calm down, man! I’m not going to touch her.” He raised his hands as he sat up and shook his head. Cristiano let out a sigh of relief. Even the thought of Sergio touching her made his blood boil. Not that he didn't trust his teammate but Hannah was Hannah, not just some random bimbo to play with. “But I’ll tell her who can help her if you refuse.”
“She’ll forget about it,” he insisted with a groan. She’d realize it was a stupid idea, and they would be done with the topic before it even started. There was no reason to think about candidates to who could give her an orgasm.
“Of course, she’ll forget about it,” Sergio snorted. “Do you remember when they told her no way she could make the dairy products of a tiny farm work? Took her two years but Selena fucking Gomez is now the face of the brand. That time when they told her no way she could have Beyonce at the opening of a completely unknown gallery? She fucking chased her across half Europe…”
“And made it worked, I know. You don’t have to tell me how determined she is, okay?” Cristiano growled and turned his back on Sergio, chewed on the side of his thumb. Hannah was his best friend, no need to introduce to him how damn hard headed she could be. “Who do you have on mind?”
“Enrique,” Sergio replied casually with a shrug.
“No,” he huffed with a shake of his head. He knew Enrique, he was a decent man but not for Hannah.
“Why? He’d be perfect for Hannah. He isn’t into anything too messed up, he’s good to his subs…”
“He’s too smooth.” Cristiano stated. The more he thought about it, the least he liked the idea. There was something slippery with the guy. Besides, he also thought Enrique'd be too soft for Hannah. The woman might look like a cupcake but she could be difficult. She needed someone who was up for a challenge.
“Come on, man, don’t be a dick.” Sergio rolled his eyes. “She needs help. Imagine having blue balls through your entire life!”
“She doesn’t have balls,” he grumbled, getting annoyed with the topic. Were they seriously discussing his best friend's sex life and who should fuck her good? She was the woman he called goldfish because she was barely ever able to make through of her photo being taken without making stupid faces.
“What?” He huffed with a glare. He could hear the disapproval in Sergio's voice but this was insanity.
“If you don’t do it, someone else will. If I don’t help, she’ll do it alone and I’ll be damned if I let her choose the wrong man and end up scarred for life.” He hated when Sergio made more sense than him, it meant things were royally fucked up.
“She's my best friend.” He threw his arms into the air.
“I know and I can imagine you are scared...”
“Scared?” His eyebrows raised to his hairline as he laughed without humour. He wasn't scared. He was put into an impossible situation and had to figure out how to make her realize this was bullshit. “I'm not scared.”
“Oh, so it didn't occur to you that if you agree to help her, you might end up messing up your friendship?” Sergio gave him a quizzical look and he rolled his eyes. No, Hannah was his Hannah, whether they'd had sex or not, nothing would change that ever. On the other hand... “It didn't occur to you, what if you fail?”
“I don't fail,” Cristiano said firmly. He's trained girls before. Admittedly, all the subs either had previous experiences or knowledge about what to expect and none of them shared the issue of Hannah. What if he failed? What if he couldn't help her? What if he messed her up even more? BDSM wasn't as simple as she likely believed, some spanking here, some name calling there, it was a mental game as well, one that should be handled very carefully.
“Of course.” Sergio chuckled. "You'd do it if it wasn't Hannah."
"Yes but it is Hannah." He groaned with a shake of his head.
“She isn't going to let it go.” Sergio stated.
"Can you stop repeating that?" He raised his gaze to the sky and rubbed his face.
"I can." Sergio shrugged as he laid back down. "But can she?" Why did that woman always have to go with the extremes?

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