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Cristiano drank his coffee and put the mug into the sink. He was nervous, more nervous than any other time when sex was concerned. He had no choice but to agree to train Hannah but he still had his doubts. She was his best friend and Cristiano being Cristiano, he put extra pressure on himself. Of course, he's trained women before but none of them were Hannah. He rubbed his face and turned around when he heard the door open and her light steps dancing across the hall, getting closer and closer.

His biggest concern was that she didn't take this seriously enough. For her this was just a what we could lose trip but for him, it meant much more. He did not want to fail her.

"Hey cutiepie," she beamed and patted a kiss to his cheek. "I thought you'd already be in the playroom. I got my best lingerie just for..."

"Sit down," he ordered with a stern voice and she could see the usual defiance crossing her features. "Hannah, if you are unable to follow a simple command like this, I don't know what we are doing here."

"God, no need to be so oversensitive," she mumbled under her breath before she sat to one of the barstools at the other side of the island. "So? Where do we start?" She entwined her fingers and leant forwards slightly."Whip? Riding crop? Clamps? Spanking? Spanking bench?" Her eyes sparkled with mischief and he felt his jaws tensing. She really wasn't taking this seriously enough.

"First we lay down the ground rules," he stated as he leant back against the sink.

"Oh come on, Cris," she growled, dropping her head into the palm of her hands. "I trust you. We need no..."

"First rule, you speak when I give you permission to speak." He watched her face turning into a grimace, her eyes narrowing at him. He could tell she was struggling to hold back the likely colourful bunch of swearing that she wanted to shower him with. Her lips slipped between her teeth to physically hold herself back from opening her mouth. 

"Good girl." He nodded, unable to hold back the small smirk. He was testing her, not only for his own entertainment though. Cristiano needed to know how quickly and easily she could slip into the submissive role. He was aware there'd be drop backs and it might turn out to be something she hated but he needed to push in order to see, in order to both of them to see.

"You don't question me, ever, not my motives, not my actions, not my words." Again, he let his words sink in, watched her going through her inner battles, it all showed on her features. He needed these rules to be respected and taken seriously though. He couldn't promise his best if she kept questioning every move he made and he knew her enough, she would do, no doubt about it.

"Your safe word is going to be Elmo." Ever since Hannah had a nightmare with Elmo, she was terrified of him and so no way she'd use the word under any circumstances unless it was truly needed. She rolled her eyes and he could practically hear her thinking that she wouldn't need one. Little did she know, he had plans to push her far enough to leave her with no option but use the word.

"Safe word is important, Hannah. Not only for you but for me as well. Things can happen, things that might slip my attention be it mental or physical and I need to know that I can trust you, that you'd not be afraid to utteror scream it. Do you understand?" Power exchange was a slippery territory, one that required both parties acknowledging and understanding the fact that something might be too much, that something that usually was fine in an odd moment proved to be enough to ask for a red light. He knew all of these things, he also knew Hannah had no idea what she was doing. "Do you understand, Hannah?"

"I do understand, Cristiano." She sighed and leant back in her chair, her lips pushed out into a pout. "You know, I did my research, I read about this. I don't know why..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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