Chapter Forty Seven

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Note: About the "Hermione never liked me before I started being as annoying as I possibly can", that refers to how Hermione never had a crush on him (as far as Harry knew at any rate, which doesn't necessarily mean anything) in the original timeline.

Also, people have commented that Harry forgot to remind Cedric about the graveyards when they were finding out about the Third Task. Since Harry met up with Cedric before the scene started, it's entirely possible that he reminded him then.

The morning of June 24th Harry was probably more nervous than he'd been the entire time he'd been back, including right after Pettigrew had made off with the diary. While Moody was still mysteriously Moody, Harry really didn't feel he'd done anything that could possibly affect Voldemort that much, especially as they'd only technically met the once.

Even though he still suspected that Voldemort might take advantage of all the publicity involved in the Third Task to start something – especially as from what he understood Voldemort had mostly just pretended he didn't exist for a year to try and get his hands on the prophecy, which wouldn't have been necessary had he died in the graveyard liked planned – he really didn't have much more of an idea about what was going to happen than anyone else. Harry thought he might know why things weren't playing out exactly like they were supposed to.

Peter Pettigrew was rotting in Azkaban and not off running into Bertha Jorkins and then Voldemort in Albania. What did that mean, though? Was Voldemort still in Albania? If he had gotten tired of waiting, was he back in Britain? Had he found any of his old followers? Was he planning anything?

Harry didn't know the answers to any of those questions but he wasn't about to take any chances. One thing he did know was that, even if it killed him, Cedric Diggory would live to see the 25th.

After breakfast, Harry followed the twins into the chamber off the Great Hall and wondered who, if anybody, would be there for him. Sirius would, of course, but Harry saw him all the time since they both lived at Hogwarts most of the year and the Weasleys would also be attending, but that was because the twins were competing.

"Wotcher, Harry," Tonks greeted him, answering his question. Remus was standing next to her.

"What are you guys doing here?" Harry asked, surprised.

"I'm Sirius's cousin so since you're his godson and he has custody of you, that practically makes us family," she announced.

"And I'm your back-up godfather," Remus explained.

Harry cocked his head. "Why would I need a back-up godfather?"

Remus looked a little awkward. "Your parents…they loved Sirius to death, believe me, but they didn't necessarily have as much faith that he would make it to thirty. He was rather reckless after all."

"Was not," Sirius denied. "And I seem to have made it to the ripe old age of thirty-four just fine."

"That's really not that old," Tonks interjected, glancing at Remus.

"It is for the next year or so," Sirius said sternly.

"How can you possibly say you're not reckless?" Remus demanded. "I seem to remember one incident of reckless in particular that got you unceremoniously thrown into Azkabanfor a good decade!"

"Okay, seriously, what is with these widespread delusions about me having ever stepped foot in that assuredly vile place?" Sirius demanded.

"Maybe they just find that easier to believe than you abandoning your tragically orphaned godson?" Tonks suggested.

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