Chapter 2

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-Haylo. Chapter 2 of Two Of A Kind is now up. Please vote and comment. It's not that hard! >^O~<

Any-Goddesses, so ...


Chapter 2

Jay's POV

After a while of chasing after his pale ass ... I finally caught up to him.

I landed ontop of him. Our faces close to one another's.

"P-please l-let me go!"

--Jacks's POV--

As he landed ontop of me, (after shifting back into human form) I stammer, "p-please l-let me go!"

How can I be such a bloody idiot?! What the Hell! Gosh I must be fucking blushing REAL hard by now.

Why? Well I think he's kinda cute. I'm Bi-sexual and I'm PROUD!

Ahhh fuc--

"Woah dude! I-I I don't roll that way. Jeesh, one you're like Edward with that ... ugh I can't even say it. And two, your ass is ... has a fucking ... BONER! Eewwwww" he barked and started running away (while cupping his man-hood).

"One, I'm not like Edward! Two, a bon--OH! That my dear fuck up poodle is a hard on! Yeah! Got a problem?" I dare him.

He turns around ... well his back is to me and his head just turned.

He is hot. I mean look at that ass! God I need to stop ...

I shake my head, and grin while flashing my fangs.

"Ohh I don't bite now ...." I tease.

"Huh, well I damn sure do!" He replies with a smug grin on his face.

And I can't help but run AWAY from him ....

I stop mid-way when I'm a good distance from him ... I mean like far far away.

I turn my head to the side and yell, "oh yeah. Nice ASS by the way," while winking. Then running off.

I grin when I hear that growl of his.

Oh how much sexy beauty God has put on this dangerous Earth.


A/N: I was gonna update earlier but I was like .... NAHHHHH!

Ok, so there yah go. I hope you enjoyed it. And please check out @JuliettLopez 's story, "Does "I Love You" Say It All?" Why? Cuz DAMN 1) that story blew 2) it's good.

It's in my library. So there yah go.

Vote + comment = LOVE.

And I dunno what happened to my fans. I HAD about 104 or so then it's down to 98 X( please don't unfan me. If you want me to read your work then please PM me or Post a message on my board.

So chow ;X and have a nice day ^.~ --¥ (peace sign).

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