One- Evolution V.S. Christianity

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Christ. Christ is the answer to everything. 

He's always watching out for you. Even you don't even know Him. He loves you no matter what. Even when you do things that you're not remotely proud of, He's still there. 

And you know what? His heart breaks to see you stumbling around in the dark, trying to lead this life on your own. 

When He can be the one to help. 

Yeah, I know, it's hard to believe in someone you cannot see, but I ask you this, how come it's easier to believe in fantasy stories then to even recognize the work of God? 

God is everywhere. In the flowers, the trees, the mountains, and us. We  are created in His likeness. 

Genesis 1: 26 says: Then God said, "Lets us make man in our own image, in our own likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and rule over all the creatures that move on the ground." (NIV) 

If it weren't for God, then how could we explain the wondrous things that are outside our house today? 

I know, some might say, 'Because of evolution of course!' 

But really? 

How could evolution create a cell? There had to be a small... small chance that a complex being like a cell could emerge from the 'Big-Bang'. 

Then come the plants. Without the right amount of sunlight, or the perfect temperature, some plants would not be able survive. But how, how did evolution be able to create that? It's like a 1 percent chance in a million. 

How is the sunlight able to touch us without burning us alive? Evolution couldn't put Earth in the perfect conditions for a living thing to survive. 

There's even different climates so that other creatures that survive better in other places can live in different temperatures instead of the same. 

How is our Earth the only known planet so far that is known to have live inhabitants?  

Well... some might say there might be a chance of alien life. Then why aren't there any other planets that we've discovered that have living inhabitants on it if our Earth appeared just by accident? I'm not saying that there isn't a chance, but what I'm saying is that someone must have made a planet with living beings in a galaxy for a reason. 

And that's just the beginning! How are some animals cold-blooded and some warm-blooded? Some might say because they used their natural survival capacity right where it should be. 

But really? 

How are some mammals such as "heterothermic" animals, the term "warm-blooded" does not really capture what they are doing?

These mammals actually are not fully warm-blooded, but are still classified as mammals because they can produce milk and have hair. 

And then there's us. 

How could evolution create humans by accident? 

Humans, complex beings, the most complex on our planet.

Humans, able to achieve things that no one had ever even dreamed of. 

We didn't just appear for nothing.

How is our brain, so incredibly complex, able to change in size and in shape by itself?

How could the Bible, a clear record of what happened in the day, be a myth? 

How could all of the different books of the Bible, from different periods of time, all come together, the they all have something in common.


And there is still no sign of evolution today. 

It is your choice to keep on reading. Christ specifically stated that in the Bible. 

Luke 8: 5-8 says: The sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell beside the road, and it was trampled under foot and the birds of the air ate it up. "Other seed fell on rocky soil, and as soon as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. "Other seed fell among the thorns; and the thorns grew up with it and choked it out. "Other seed fell into the good soil, and grew up, and produced a crop a hundred times as great." As He said these things, He would call out, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

But when the time comes, it is your choice to keep on believing. 

It is your choice to believe in Christ. 

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