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19 year old Jungkook hates Taehyung,

19 year old Taehyung loves Jungkook,

They've been dating for four years.


"Good Morning my wonderful boyfriend" Taehyung smiles, slowly nuzzling his face into the crook of Jungkook's neck.

And Jungkook tries his hardest to hide the smile taking over his face before Taehyung saw it. "I hate mornings" he grumbles wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck, keeping him there so the elder won't be able to see the growing blush on his cheeks.

But Taehyung knows exactly what Jungkook s doing, he does it every morning. So instead of pulling his head out of the youngers arms and teasing him for looking like a tomato like he usually does, he simply pulls Jungkook closer and places light kisses along his neck. Because today is a special day, and he doesn't want to make Jungkook upset.

When they pull apart, Jungkook is pouting, and Taehyung can't help but coo, "why are you pouting, darling ?" he asks sweetly, caressing the youngers cheek. 

Jungkook closes his eyes and leans into the touch, before opening them. When he makes eyes contact with Taehyung, he glares at the older, "because" he says, starting to answer the previous question, "you were too rough last night, and I can't move, and my back hurts and I hate you" he finishes, lightly pushing his boyfriend away.

The act makes Taehyung let out a little laugh, before leaning down and pecking the youngers nose, "I'm sorry love, but it wasn't me who was begging for that fourth round last night" he teases, and Jungkook's whole face becomes red,


And Taehyung simply nods, deciding to be a good boyfriend. "well, you should get up and ready soon, because I'm making pancakes, and if you don't wake up I'll eat them all without you" he threatens, smirking at the end.

Jungkook lets out a horrified gasp, "okay, first of all don't you dare eat all the pancakes, or I will castrate you, and second of all how do you expect me to move"

Taehyung nods , walking over to Jungkook and lifting his up, swinging his over his shoulders. The younger lets out a squeal, a smile taking over his face. "Taehyung let me down !" he squeals and the elder chuckles,

"never" he answers, before taking Jungkook to the bathroom and placing him on the counter, "now let's get you ready"


Jungkook lets out an annoyed groan. Taehyung had gone out for god knows what, but he said he'd be back by four and it was currently five. 

He was really angry at Taehyung now. And he knows he's being childish, but they barely spend any time together anymore. During the week, they each have work and by the time they get home, their too tired to even have a simple conversation. So they only have weekends together now, and Jungkook hates spending any time without the elder.

The sound of the front door opens and he hears footsteps, before he turns his head the other way, letting out an annoyed 'hm' sound with a pout on his face. "I hate you" he mumbles, still not looking Tae in the eye.

Taehyung sighs and slowly walks closer to his boyfriend and wraps his arms around the youngers waist, resting his chin on his shoulder. He knows how Jungkook is about being away from each other, but he had to sort a few things out.

"I'm sorry baby, I had to sort a few things out with Namjoon" he says placing a light kiss on the crook of Jungkook's neck.

Jungkook sighs and turns around, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck, "It's okay"  he mumbles, "but you can't leave me for the rest of the day" he says and Taehyung giggles, but nods.


The next day, Jungkook wakes up to an empty bed, Pouting the younger gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom, and there stuck on the mirror is a note:

'dear Jungkookie,

hurry and meet me in the back garden

                                                                                - Love Taehyung'

Jungkook glares at the piece of paper, so he had to wake up alone for this. Angrily, Jungkook leaves the bathroom and stomps over to the backyard. He's going to never talk to his boyfriend ever again. How could his boyfriend leave him like that all alone in bed. The feeling was horrible.

However, the whole plan was ruined, when he saw Taehyung standing outside holding flowers. Taehyung smiles and walks over to Jungkook.

"Tae, why did you call me out he-"

Jungkook gasps, when he sees Taehyung getting down on one knee,

"I had planned a whole speech and everything, but I'm so nervous I forgot it, so I'll just ask, Jungkook will you marry me ?"

And even if it was the stupidest proposal ever, Jungkook still has tears streaming down his face as he stares at the man he loves,

"Yes, I'll marry you"


I hope you enjoyed.

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