Chapter 3

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-The next day-

Megatron stood on the observation deck, gazing out at the vast forest below him as the Nemesis passed over it. He sighed, folding his hands behind his back and turning around. "Starscream!" He shouted, frowning slightly when Starscream didn't immediately come.

A few seconds later, Starscream peeked around the corner. He shrunk back when he noticed Megatron staring at him and chuckled nervously, stepping out. "Y-Yes, my liege?"

Megatron raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What's the matter? Have your logic circuits finally fried?" He joked, taking a step forward.

Starscream tensed up and his wings slowly lowered. "No.... it's just..."

"Spit it out!" Megatron snarled, taking another thundering step forward.

"I'm just afraid that you'll have another episode like before!" Starscream quickly said, covering his face in fear.

Megatron tilted his head, staring at Starscream with a confused look on his face. "Really? That's what you're afraid of? I've overcome that petty voice in my mind..." he huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. Inside, he was screaming and holding back his fear.

"Oh! Well then.... I just made myself look like a complete fool." Starscream sighed, rubbing the back of his helm.

"Yes, you did. Are the vehicons ready to invade the energon mine?"

Starscream stood straight up and nodded vigorously. "Of course, my liege. We will be ready to take back the mine by force at your command!"

"Excellent... now hurry up and get to the flight deck before I lose my temper." Megatron hissed, a puff of steam erupting from his neck. Starscream shrieked, darting off down the hallway.

Megatron chuckled, slowly walking after him. "Gets him every time." He grinned a bit.

Megatron stood in front of the vehicons, examining them with pride. He nodded to Starscream, who smirked and transformed. The vehicons simultaneously transformed into jets, engines roaring loudly. They took off into the sky, flying down towards the ground.

Megatron sighed, transforming into a cybertronian jet and following them down to the ground. He flew over the trees looking for a suitable place to land. He spotted a clearing and transformed in mid-air, landing with a thud on the dry earth.

"Advance with caution, the Autobots are full of tricks..." He rumbled, letting the Vehicons and Starscream go first.

To fit in the cave entrance, he had to duck so his helm or shoulder armor wouldn't scrape the edges. It was pitch black in the tunnel, his optics being the only source of light.

Suddenly, the Vehicon in front of him stopped. He stopped and growled lowly, looking at Starscream. "What's the hold up?"

"Shouldn't we scan for Autobot signatures before we going into the mine? It's quite large in there and-" Starscream was interrupted by Megatron as he shoved his way to the front of the group.

"There is no need for that, now move forward!" Megatron snarled, kicking Starscream in the back.

Starscream groaned, scrambling forwards and raising his blaster. He saw the main entrance and gulped, steadying his trembling hand.

As soon as they entered the main mining area, they were immediately under fire. Megatron dove behind a rock and fired at the Autobots, who were across the mine looking for energon.

"Fire, you imbeciles!" Starscream growled, firing a few missiles at the Autobots.

The Vehicons returned fire, but were quickly mowed down by the sheer firepower of Optimus Prime.

Megatron snarled, lifting the rock in front of him and throwing it at Optimus. It caught him in the chest, knocking him backwards. Megatron lunged forward, his battle blade drawn.

"Yes..... KILL HIM!"

Megatron froze, clutching his head. "Leave me alone!" He screamed, stumbling away from Optimus.

Optimus was confused for a moment, but continued the battle. He quickly fired a few blasts at the ceiling, causing rocks to fall on top of Megatron. A huge dust cloud exploded in the mine, making it impossible to see.

By that time, Starscream had lost hope and fled the scene. He was long gone, not realizing what happened to Megatron.

When the dust settled, Optimus stepped forward to examine the damage he dealt. Arcee and Bulkhead were behind him, weapons at the ready.

Megatron was pinned under the many boulders that fell from the ceiling of the mine. He groaned, craning his neck to look up at Optimus. He tried to break free, but Optimus stopped him.

"There is no use in trying to escape, Megatron." Optimus muttered, crossing his arms across his chest.

Megatron was going to snap something back, but he passed out before he could. Optimus sighed, carefully lifting the boulders and tossing them aside.

"What are we going to do with him?" Arcee asked as Optimus lifted Megatron to his pedes and propped him up against his shoulder.

"He shall be our prisoner for now. I will interrogate him personally." Optimus grunted with effort as he dragged Megatron towards the awaiting groundbridge portal, which had just appeared moments ago at his request.

Bulkhead sighed, shaking his head. "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

"You're tellin' me, Bulk." Arcee grumbled, following Optimus into the groundbridge portal.

The portal disappeared into thin air with a hiss, leaving the mine completely destroyed.

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