Chapter 4

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-Autobot base-

Megatron slowly woke up, groaning as he rubbed his head. "Where am I..?" He glanced around and his optics widened. "I-I'm in the Autobot base! But.... But how?!" He quickly stood up, immediately regretting his decision. He sank back to his knees as his head started to pound and his joints failed.

He bent over and held his head, feeling as it painfully pounded away. It felt like someone was beating on his head with a hammer, never ceasing.

"You failed...."

Megatron snarled, scratching the floor with his sharp fingers. "No I didn't! Leave me alone!"

"You failed to kill him..."

The pounding in his head increased and he was about to scream when he heard someone approaching his cell.

"You failed ME.."

The voice faded when Optimus opened the door, carrying a glass of energon in his hand. He quietly shut it behind him and sat down on a bench. "You're low on energon, Ratchet said you need-"

"I'm FINE." Megatron snapped, slowly pushing himself up onto the berth. He felt dizzy for a moment and almost toppled over, holding himself up with his arm.

Optimus looked at him with a concerned look on his face and sighed, glancing at the energon. "Please... I can't stand to see you like this."

"I said.... I'm.... FINE!" Megatron snarled, banging his fist down on the berth. He took a deep breath, feeling his anger fade away and be replaced with exhaustion.

Optimus looked hurt by Megatron's response and turned his head, trying not to cry. He composed himself and stood up. "Okay. Let me know when you're willing to talk and eat." He stared at the floor as he opened the door and stepped out, closing it gently behind him.

Megatron wanted to stop him, but the damage was already done. He growled in frustration, tears gathering in his optics. He rarely ever cried, and when he did, it was always in private. "I'm so stupid! Why can't I get better?!" He sobbed angrily, holding his head in his hands.

Optimus was standing outside the cell, listening to him cry. He shook his head and slowly walked away to the main room.

Ratchet glanced over his shoulder and saw the glass of energon in Optimus's hand. "Guess he didn't take it, huh?"

Optimus nodded, sitting down in a huff beside Ratchet's workstation. "He just seemed so.... angry. When I came in there, he was on the floor holding his head. And when he saw me, he genuinely looked scared. Ratchet, I'm worried about him." He sighed, covering his face.

Ratchet turned to face Optimus and placed a hand on his shoulder. "If you really feel this way, then you need to confront him about the issue. He may be hesitant or even angry at first, but soon he will give in. I sense that he has something going on in his head that is out of his control." He mumbled, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Optimus stood up and and rubbed his optics. "I'll talk to him tomorrow, I need some rest."

Ratchet nodded, stepping aside. "Go ahead, I'll be up for a while longer if you need anything." He smiled a bit, watching him as he left.

-The next morning-

Megatron was curled up on his berth trying to recharge when Optimus returned to the cell. He growled, covering his face when Optimus opened the door.

"Were you up all night?" Optimus asked, taking a sip of his own morning energon as he sat down. He had another glass behind him so that Megatron wouldn't see it.

"Why do you care..." Megatron grumbled, staring at the wall.

"I could hear you screaming... my berthroom isn't too far from this cell, you know." Was Optimus's reply.

Megatron froze at that reply, slowly rolling over to look at him. "You.... You did?"

Optimus nodded, taking another sip of energon. "Listen to me. If you are having problems recharging, I can have Ratchet-"

"No! I mean.... I don't need it. I'm fine..." Megatron hissed, pushing himself into a sitting position.

Optimus frowned, knowing that Megatron was lying. "Your optics look pale today... You aren't fine, are you?"

Megatron sighed, looking at the floor and shifting his pedes. He hated to admit it, but it was true. He definitely wasn't fine at all. "No... I'm not.." he spat. Now he looked like a weakling in front of his mortal enemy. No, in front of his brother.

"Then please, take the energon." Optimus pulled out the glass of energon from behind him and held it out. "I'm only trying to help.."

Megatron eyed the energon and rolled his optics, reaching his hand out and taking it. "Fine."

Optimus smiled as Megatron quickly downed the glass in two gulps, wiping his mouth. "Do you need more?"

Megatron examined the glass, not making eye-contact with Optimus. "I'm not a sparkling."

"Well, it's not like you can come and go from your cell as you please. Now let me repeat myself, do you need more?" Optimus leaned forward, determined to persuade Megatron to agree.

Megatron fiddled with his sharp denta and huffed, placing his hands in his lap. "Yes. Are you happy now?"

"Yes, I am. I'll be right back." Optimus smiled brightly, quickly standing up and leaving the cell.

"Gosh I hate being nice.... but I have to do it. I have to do it.... for Optimus." He said to himself, throwing the glass against the wall and listening in satisfaction as it shattered.

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