4. Not Him

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Every person that exists would like to find their soulmate as soon as possible. Some are lucky, some aren't but in the end everyone meets their significant other. Well, almost everyone. Some are destined to stay alone and help the others around them. A lot of people fear this. But then again, it's a one in a billion chance to be a 'helper' without a soulmate so there's no need to worry at the age of twenty just yet.

However, George did.

In this world smiling was not allowed until one met their other half, and the corners of our main protagonist's  mouth certainly never curled upwards. This didn't bother him, until his room-mate Alex once came home with a huge grin on his face, accompanied by another boy on his side. The other boy smiled back at him just as brightly.

So George waited. Tried to go out, get to know more people but no matter how funny someone was, how brilliant things they said, his expression remained unimpressed.

"So you are meeting him now, huh?" Alex asked him as the boy anxiously paced in their living-room.

George looked up at him questioningly and shrugged. "Yeah. Why do we need that tone for such a simple thing?"

They both knew why. George was a so called 'No Face Reveal YouTuber', (I tend to love those lmao) with over five hundred thousand subscribers and he hadn't really gone out to record with someone else. Collabs on Skype or Discord were more than fine for him, but actually meeting someone in person was over his limit of comfort.

"He is a nice guy. Don't you worry about a thing." Alex reassured him with a quick hug, then added. "He might be the one. Who knows."

"Piss off."

He wasn't the one.

Even though he was hilarious, and occasionally laughed at his own one liners, George wasn't fazed. And neither was his companion since he'd already found his soulmate as it seemed. Lucky bastard.

"I have a friend, you know." The boy, Stephen, started with a sickening smirk and an eyebrow wiggle.

George let out a sigh and interrupted his train of thought. "Good for you."

Stephen giggled and shook his head. "Anyway, I think you'd like him."

George didn't question him. He didn't need to know why Stephen thought he would get along with his friend. He should have asked him, though.

He really should have.

Ten minutes after they'd finished recording, George was dragged into an Uber, heading to god knows where at a rapid speed. Stephen kept texting someone -George didn't dare to ask who since the other boy was abnormally excited for some reason. He had a feeling it was going to be that friend of his. And he was not wrong.

"We're almost there." The ginger boy hummed whilst pocketing his phone.

He shot a last glance at George before their vehicle came into halt and he paid the driver with a thanks and a smile on his face.

"He is supposed to be nearby." He murmured, looking around in the park they were in.

George looked around as well, trying to spot the guy who he'd never seen before -mission inpossible, some might say.

"Oh, there he is." Stephen pointed at a tall figure, tapping away on their phone in the distance."Oi, Will!"

The figure heard the cry of his name, stood up and turned around to see who needed him.  When he spotted it was Stephen, he gave him a small wave and started walking towards the pair.

Will greeted the shorter boy with a fist bump then said. "Hey, Ste. Is this your soulmate?"

He eyed George with a rather cocky expression and turned back to Stephen.

The latter shook his head disapprovingly, clicking his tongue in the process." Will, I told you a hundred times before. My soulmate is a girl."

George stood behind the ginger boy, awkwardly lifting his weight from one foot to another. He had no idea where to look. The new party in the conversation seemed rather rude. He studied him but didn't look like as if he fully acknowledged George's presence.

"Are you sure about that?" He shot Stephen a challenging look and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Pretty sure." Stephen nodded and stepped to the side to reveal his new acquaintance. "This is George. A new friend of mine, whom I wanted to introduce to you."

Their eyes finally met as they silently shook hands.

"You don't talk much, do you?" The right corner of Will's mouth curled upwards so naturally.

He must've found his soulmate ages ago. George thought,  as he pulled his hand away from his grip.

"Not-." George's voice died down as Stephen let out an ear-splitting screech right next to him.

"Oh my god." He gasped, covering his mouth with both of his hands.

Both boys gave him weird looks as he kept looking at them back and forth.

"Will, I gotta go! Stay with him!" Without further explanation, the ginger lad ran off and left Will and George dumbfounded.

They watched as he disappeared in the sea of people, neither having a clue what the hell just happened.

"Okay that was pretty odd." Will stated and shifted his gaze back at the smaller man beside him. "Are you lost or why do I have to stay with you?"

George tilted his head to the side, comprehending the other's sentence. No civilised human being would ask such a question. Especially like this.

"Wow." He managed to get out, still shocked from his words. "No. Why would I-?"

"Dunno. You look pretty young."

George shook his head in disbelief and looked back up at him. With a dismissive hand gesture he turned around and took off to the next bus stop, not even bothering to tell him goodbye.

"George, wait!"

The brunette kept walking.

"I hate him."

"Who?" Came the instant response as George stepped over the threshold of his flat.

He found his room-mate on the couch snuggled up to his boyfriend's side, who was playing Fifa. He was practicing -as Alex liked to call it.

"You." George shot back and earned a smack on his arm from Alex when he sat down next to the couple.

"Yeah George, who?" James asked, eyes fixed on the screen. "Was that Stephen guy so bad?"

"No not him." George shook his head, yawning as he leaned back im his seat. "He introduced me to some jerk."

"We love a good ol' jerk." Alex giggled and shoved James' hand away which was about to ruffle his hair for that comment.

The left side of George's mouth lifted slightly. He chuckled at Alex's joke. When he realised that small  sound came out of his mouth, he clasped a hand onto it. The feeling was so unnatural, so new. His heart rate picked up as he covered his mouth with shaking hands.

"You. You chuckled." Alex hummed and gave him a sincere smile.

James paused the game and did the same. "Welcome to the club."


Word count: 1185
A short one I know, but I just cba.

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