Chapter 6

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Erika Pov

So I have been sober since September 10th, 2012 and why's that is because Blake pulled me through it and at first it was hard but since he was with me through the whole process it made it better for me to be sober and I for once I can say

Erika: Momma & Daddy I am Sober

And I am thankful for that since it been a year of dating Blake for me and right after that I got sober Jake stopped picking on me he basically left me alone after Blake came in my life or as he said there is no point to bully you anymore and I always ask why when he says that but he just walks away but in the back of my mind I always want to know his real reason but can't figure that out since he disappeared from my life and I know there is always a reason behind everything you do even if it's a horrible choice you do it to be free to be a you, you want to be in life even though I didn't want to be that Erika that was hiding I wanted to be free from all the shit I went through and I was when I was in that position now I am proud to say I am now free of everything and happy in this position and I can't wait until it last forever.

2 Years of Dating (2013)

OK so today Blake and I started College together and we been dating for 2 years now and I am still sober and better than ever since I started talking to my family and I been more me than I ever thought I will ever be  and to make stuff better I got healthier and more fit to feel like me more then I use to feel like me and that was a hopeless little girl who had no life to continue she should just die but now I think I am warrior I got thicker skin and I am stronger than I ever been and my armor is made of steel you can never get in and no one can never hurt me I pull back to being a warrior and take back my life like I should have done that since day one and that's a warrior we pull through messes like the one I was in

3 Years of Dating (2014)

So life been better and I am still a warrior like I will always be and I have been working out constantly every day since Blake has always been busy most of the time at school he says so I just let him do his thing and I just do my thing and that got me busy in the gym but gave me the best opportunity in life especially when I graduated last month with an associates and moved on to a bachelors and I be out in one more year but I didn't finish that since I drop out since my opportunity came to me to be a full-time model in Los Angels and New York I said yes and moved to LA since Blake would move there with me and now we are stronger and better and loving to another more than we ever been and we are both just living our life together in a paid apartment by my job and just loving be around another and I just love being me I always wanted to be in life.

4 Years of Dating (2015)

Ok so Life has been going great me and Blake been together for 4 years now but the only thing that sucks is I hardly see him since he says he is always busy and he been doing 2 after we moved to LA together but what mostly got off my mind since I was busy and I mostly spend my free time talking to my family and what's even better than that Netflix and Chill since no one is home and Blake got a job here when we moved it was to be an accountant and he loves it so he is always at work so that means he is a busy duckling like me but I at least have two days off and he has none but far from no time with Blake everything turning out pretty good with my life.

Cheating (2016-2017)

Ok so I am on a two-week vacation for work to visit the IMG office in NYC since they need me for 5 shoots this week but since its Christmas and New Years they are letting me go home earlier so I will be going to my family house then from there to home New Years Eve to spend with my guy since he couldn't make it by visiting me in NYC since his job wouldn't give him off so I said

Erika: Ok keep doing what you are doing over there Blake and I will see you soon bye love you

Blake: Ok Bye Love you too and see you soon

So today is Christmas Eve I am right now on a plane to Ohio to visit my dad and I said Hi and spent all away to the 27th and then the 27th I went to Nashville to visit my mom and siblings and we are now hanging out and loving life like always and I am stronger then I ever be and now its December 31st at 12 am I am actually on my way back to LA from Nashville and I decided to surprise Blake so he doesn't know I am coming.

5 am

My plane finally landed and now I am on my way to my apartment

6 am

I finally arrived and can't wait to sleep and cuddle with Blake so I honestly on my way to our room and when I opened the door I saw Blake there with a young blond woman sleeping together in our bed and they are both Naked and I said

Erika: (Yelled) Blake

That's when he jumped out of bed and she woke up and he said

Blake: Erika you are here you weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow

Erika: Change of plans they gave me off to spend time with family and loved ones and I see you are not doing that

Blake: Erika I can explain

Erika: Explain what Blake it's obvious you cheated on me so why should I let you explain

Blake: Because we love another

Erika: Yeah if you did you wouldn't  have been cheating on me with her

Blake: Ok you got a point and I am sorry

Erika: You are not forgiven please  leave and take her with you especially the sheets too

That's when he was about to leave with her and I said

Erika: How long has this been going on behind my back

His eyes sparkled and he turns around with a big smile on his face and when my question registered in his mind and his face just fell and I wanted to laugh since I saw that but felt bad so I just push away the laugh and then snap out when I heard Blake said

Blake: 3 Years Erika

Erika: Are you Seriously telling me you cheated on me for 3 years

Blake: Yes

Erika: Just get the fuck out

Blake: Sorry Erika

Erika: Sorry doesn't count for 3 years not even one day just get the fuck out of my apartment

That's when he left and I just broke down crying.

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That's it for this chapter hope you liked it and p.s. if you are wondering this chapter is related to Demi song warrior if you never heard it before give it a listen right now 👇👇👇👇👇

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