Vera x Male reader

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(E/c)= Eye colour  ( and yes that's how I spell colour because I'm Canadian)

Vera was walking down the hall with Polly beside her going on about all the best party's or something like that Vera had stopped listening awhile ago. She spotted a guy checking her out and she whipped around to beat his ass when he winked at her. "Hey calm down doll face" the guy said  to her when she started walking towards him with murderous eyes When she got to him she slapped him "You Really shoulden-" Vera reeled back holding her hand yelling profanity's at the man " WHAT ARE YOU?? MADE OF ROCK OR SOMETHING JESUS FUCK" He looked kinda hurt and muttered "yes.." And he Looked away sheepishly. Polly was laughing her ass off and Liam who had just walked in was amused " Vera you just slapped a gargoyle" and walked back out after grabbing his man purse..Or what ever that thing is. Vera was beyond pissed and hissed " Why couldn't you tell me that before I slapped you!" Now he was getting mad " I TRIED TOO" Polly's laughter had died down to a giggle and she walked over " Vera this is (Y/n) (L/n) Resident Gargoyle and part of  the band BLEEDING EARS" Vera was still pissed but Introduced herself anyway " My name is Vera Oberlin If there are to be Introductions" (Y/n) smiles " Oh the businesses woman? Polly Told me about you, She was right about you being a 20/10 " Vera felt her cheeks heat and she had no clue why she already knew she was gorgeous.

As weeks past she had found herself looking for The Young Gargoyle and she found him With a young child around Four she guessed  The little girl was also a gargoyle and Looked a lot like him she guessed she was his little sister and approached them  "(Y/n)? Funny seeing you here" Even though Vera had been looking for him he didn't need to know that. "Vera? Nice to see you!" The older gargoyles smile widened and Vera found her heart melting "AHEM" The small girl looked upset at being Ignored "Sorry Princess, Vera This is my Daughter Abigail" Vera was shocked HE HAS A DAUGHTER?? " You have a daughter?" She asked just barely keeping the shock from her voice " He laughed "yep Her Mom ran off and left her with me so I do my best" Abigail walked up to Vera " Your very green. Did You know that is Daddy's favorite colour?"  The young man blushed at his daughters comments "well Abi Its time for dinner so we should be goin-" Abigail cut him off " Can Vera come?" He looked at Vera silently asking if she would like to come and she nodded. he sighed " alright Princess, Vera can come"

 While at school Vera hears yelling and Walks towards it She finds the wolfpack And (y/n) are the ones fighting and her heart drops when she hears (Y/n) Yell " HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TALK ABOUT SHE IS MINE YOU FUCKING FURRY'S"  The wolfpack Laughs " REALLY THE Gorgon? SHES NOTHING BUT A MEAN BITCHY WHORE" And with that (Y/n) Punched them And the fought broke out it took Coach,Scott and Damian to Break it up and the wolfpack was left with lots of bruises and broken bones from the gargoyle's stone fists And (y/n) Was left with a crack across his face that Looked extremely painful. Vera was mad She ran up and started yelling at (y/n) " WHAT ERE YOU THINKING YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED" He was beyond confused " WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME THEY ARE THE ONES WHO VERY CALLING YOU A WHORE I WAS DEFENDING YOUR HONOR"  Vera had started to tear up " I'm Mad because you got hurt you dumb rock!"(Y/n) Sighed and Pulled Vera in for a hug and whispered " And I would do it again" She Pulled away a bit and then Kissed his Surprisingly Warm lips." What you said before about me being yours does that mean?" he cut her off " yes Vera I love you" She smiled and whispered "  I love you too, if you ever tell anyone i said that I will have you killed." The (E/c) Gargoyle smiled " I wouldn't have it any other way"

Go ahead and request stuff! I will do my best! and I really hope you guys liked it!

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