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  WHY.....WHY is what I always ask myself when you are related to Donquixote Doflamingo the worlds evilest man but ever thought that maybe having for a father.

To me I always wanted to be the princess with a happy ending but really I'm alone, my mother is some how not here with me and that she went to the "heavens" after she was "sick" which I found it really bullshit.

Everything as of right now is that I'm 10 years old and that my dad has his own pirate crew called the Donquixote pirates then one day he came looking like he had been through a lot to be tatter up and beaten and with his spotted hat he was glaring at my father which I don't blame him

"Hey! Who the hell is this kid?! Who let him in?!

The crew are getting angry and ready to fight him which I think that it wasn't necessary really but when I look at him he is kind of cute from the distance of where I am standing next to my dad then the boy said

"Let me join your pirate group"

he ask so calmingly which shock me, he continue

" I wanna destroy everything that I see! Towns, houses, people...I wanna destroy them all! I... grew up in the White Town-Flevance. It's not so long...before I die." 

When he said that I knew right then and there I want to be there with him forever it's all most like destiny wants me to help him find his way to life.  

[Im sorry for it to be short but it will get interesing]

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