Chapter 3: Problems at Home

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Jessica wandered back home after leaving Octo Valley.

Jessica: It's nothing special right? She just gave you her headphones as a sign of kindness, she's not asking you out. So, why do I feel this way?

Jessica clenches the headphones in one hand while holding the other on her heart. She hadn't noticed it yet but, she had made it back to Octocity. The metal buildings hunched over as they continued to rust due to age. The dark sky held no beauty either. That's when Jessica looked up at the street sign to tell where she was.

Jessica: Splat Drive. I'm only about a block away from home.

Jessica continued to head to her house. After about two to three minutes of walking, she made it to her front door. The wooden door was a stark contrast to the metal home. She knocked.

Jessica: Hey, Sis? It's me. Could you let me in?

Footsteps could be heard coming towards the door before a brief pause ensued. Silence filled the air.

Jessica: Sis?

The door opened, revealing two big male Octolings. They were buff and sharp looking. One looked down at Jessica and she could've sworn she heard him growl.

???: I appreciate the offer but I can't leave. Not yet anyway.

A skinny, slightly tall, and rather pretty female Octoling came out of the house alongside a short, sleazy looking male Ovtoling.

???: C'mon, have I ever steered you wrong?

???: Yes, yes you have. Now plea- Jessie!?

Jessica: ...Sis? *points at short Octoling* Who's that?

Sis: Oh?! This here is one of the generals of the Octo Army. He came here to talk to me about moving up in the ranks.

???: Yep. It's nice to meet you, Jessie.

The short "general" holds out his hand to have Jessica shake it. She, however, takes a step back.

Jessica: My name's Jessica. Only my family and close friends can call me Jessie.

???: Ooo, ouch. That stings. But as much as I'd like to show you what's what, I've got more important business to attend to.

The sleazy and buff Octolings head off towards a black car parked down the street. It was barely visible unless you really focused.

Jessica: He didn't even say goodbye.

Sis: Come in Jessie. I'll explain it all to you inside.


Jessica: WE'RE BROKE?!

Sis: Yes, but that's why I was talking to that loan shark. He's our only bet of not sinking and falling into debt.

Jessica: Are you even hearing yourself?! Loan sharks get people INTO debt, not OUT of it!

Sis: What do you expect me to do!? Go to mom and dad!? They can barely take care of themselves! They have no way to help us!

Jessica: Don't bring them into this!

Sis: I will if it shows you how to think more clearly.

As the tension in the room subsides, Jessica's sister notices the headphones in her sister's hand.

Sis: Where'd you get that?

Jessica: Get what?

Sis: *Points to headphones* Those. You didn't steal them, did you?

Jessica: What? No! Well, technically not.

Sis: Technically?

Jessica: I tried swiping some gear from Cooler Heads earlier today but ended up being caught by Rachel and Agent 4.

Sis: Rachel? You mean Agent 5?

Jessica: Yeah. She gave me these headphones after her partner left. She's really sweet.

Sis: Oi! *snaps fingers* Get back to reality. We could sell those headphones and be able to keep ourselves afloat for a couple days.

Jessica: Wha? N-No! I'm keeping them!

Sis: Jessie c'mon! *grabs headphones* We need to eat!

Jessica: *Begins wrestling with her sister for the headphones* No! These have sentimental value!

The sisters keep fighting, tugging on the headphones and yelling at one another to let go. Jessica's sister manages to wrestle the head gear out of Jessica's hands but not before Jessica begins to bawl like a baby.

Sis: Go to your room!

Jessica: Y-Your *sniffle* so *sniffle x2* m-mean!

Sis: I'm not mean. I'm just thinking of the future unlike you, who can only think of the now.

Jessica: *Runs to her room while still crying* I HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT!

Jessica slams the door to her room.

Sis: That girl is something special.

As Jessica's sister heads to her room, Rachel is getting ready for bed back at hers.

Rachel: (That Octoling...sure is a weird one. I wonder if I'll see her tomorrow.) *spits out toothpaste* (I mean, she is cute. And sweet. And innocent.) *splashes face with ink* (Ahhhh! What am I saying? She's the enemy and I have to defeat her and her allies!) *stares into mirror* (Why the hell did I just splash my face with ink?)

End of Chapter 3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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