Snap back to reality

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Annie's POV

Light blinds your eyes its been two years since you murdered Y/N.

Murdered Y/N

I cant even say that without breaking down

I murdered the one person that made me happy

Most days I have cried at least once

I cant live without him

I don't know how I ever did

Hitch keeps trying to cheer me up, going out for drinks, bringing me home donuts, but none of it works

I just miss him.

you start to hear screams coming from outside, the door flies open hitch runs in

"ANNIE YOUR GONNA WANNA SEE THIS!" she drags you over to the window and you look outside to see houses burning, smoke signals going off, but none of this catches your eye what you notice is the 30 meter titan with red scars, the titan you thought you'd never see again. As fast as you can you grab your 3DMG and break through the window, moving as fast as you can to get him back, the man you lost, Y/N. He almost instantly notices you as your zipping through streets calling out for him, he starts to run towards you until he stops. You take perch on a roof near him, he starts tearing away at skin, clawing out fat and muscle until he stops, looks at you and rips its own head off. He falls out of his titan wearing a black suit and what looks like a scrap model of your 3DMG. He zips his line towards you and before you know it he was kneeling next to you, he was on the lower part of the roof so both your heads line up, for a single minute, time stands still he looks down in shame not saying anything at first.

"Im...Sorry" he said dread in his voice. You put your arms around his neck and passionetly kiss him, you forgot, forgot what this was like, to be....loved.

Time skip 3 days

You pace back and forth in your room with hitch shes trying to calm you down but it dosent work

"Calm down Annie he will be back soon, please just sit down for a bit watching you back and forth its making me nauseous." you sit down on your bed twidiling your thumbs, your waiting for Y/N to come back from the millitary police. Theres a knock on the door and hitch opens to show a shy man standing at the door Y/N.

Your POV

You run towards her and she pulls you in longingly, she missed this, you can tell, she starts sobbing into your hoodie.

"IM..*Sob*...SO.....*sob*....Sorry" you lift her chin up and she looks at you tears streaming from her face.

"Annie I love you" she smiles still crying

"I *sob* love you too" Annie nuzles her face into your chest again, hitch starts to walk out

"Ill give you too some privacy" she walks out and shuts the door behind you, looking down at Annie you realize she has passed out of exhaustion. You carry her weading style and lay her down on her bed, smiling she snuggles into the blanket, you lay down next to her, spooning her, you look down at her and smile. This was all worth it. You slowly drift off into sleep, thoughts of Annie caressing your mind.

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