Pizza 5

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"Dammit! Stupid! Dumb! Idiotic hoe!" Lisa smacked herself after closing the door of their sorority house.

'What the heck was I thinking?' she asked herself.

"Nice of you to finally grace us with your presence, Lisa Manoban." she heard someone before her speak.

She looked up and saw Jennie's cat-like features looking at her seriously.

"Eonnie," she breathed in and out before speaking. Jennie can be cute at times but when she's pissed off as fuck, all hell breaks loose. "I got the pizza so I came late."

"That's nice of you but I'm not gonna buy it. We ordered those boxes even before you and Rosé came. Why were you late?" Jennie asked her with a serious gaze.

"Long story-" "I got all the time in the world. Tell me." Jennie cut her off and went closer to her.

The other members of their sorority stared at them with worry. Jennie and Lisa never got along well because Lisa joined the sorority later than the others.

Jennie was known for being apprehensive and skeptical. She doesn't like being lied to because it makes her feel dumb and she's never trusted anyone aside from Jisoo.

That's the Black Velvet's Sorority leader for you.

"Well," Lisa sighed. There's no use in dodging this topic. "Remember Jungkook?"

Jennie hesitated for a moment before she and the other girls nodded.

"I got kind of caught up with him." Lisa said and almost whispered the last part.

Jennie's eyes widened as well as the other girls'.

"Pardon?" Jennie asked with her eyes starting to form into slits.

"I kind of-" "Are you going out with him?" Jennie looked at her intensely.

"What? No! No. Definitely not, eonnie." Lisa shook her head.

Jennie squinted her eyes while looking at Lisa's face until she finally sighed and smiledㅡa tight-lipped one.

"Just make sure that you aren't going out with him, Manoban. Any guy will do as long as they're not a member of those dickheads." Jennie replaced her smile with a serious face, yet again. "Remember our main rule, no sexual or any other relationship with any of the Bangtan Sonyeondan members."

Lisa, as well as the other members, gulped at Jennie's words and seriousness.

"Am I clear?" Jennie looked around the room and everyone remained silent and motionless. "Am I clear, dumb hoes?" Jennie raised her voice and everyone simultaneously nodded their heads.

"Great! Now let's start the party for Lisa!" Jennie said and skipped towards the living room. Her dark aura fully diminishing after that moment.

Lisa breathed in deeply. 'This is one of the reasons why they call Jennie the passive-aggressive leader. She's really scary.'


Kookie's Pizzeria | LISKOOK FFWhere stories live. Discover now