Chapter 12: Love is the journey; Music is the way

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The days passed quickly and before anyone could realise, it was time for Taehyung's brother to come home from the hospital. The entire Kim household was in a great state of commotion and everyone was running around trying to set everything in place for the great homecoming party.

Mrs. Kim was busy setting the garden right, Mr. Kim was occupied in cooking his son's favourite chocolate cake, the sister of the household was decorating the rooms and our dear Taehyung was hastily tuning the piano and practicing the piece he would play. In the midst of all this, our very own sunshine Jung Hoseok felt a bit lost and wandered around the house, asking the residents if he could help in any way.

"No way Hoseok dear! We would never let you work!" was Mrs. Kim's affectionate reply. But Hoseok wasn't having any of it. He marched up to Taehyung and said ,"Oi I need some work. "

Taehyung looked up gratefully and said,"Great! You get him from the hospital! We're all too busy anyway. I signed the papers yesterday, so it shouldn't be a problem at all. Now hurry!"

Poor Hoseok didn't even have time to process all this. He threw on his boots and jacket, packed warm clothes for Tae's brother. Just as he was about to leave, Taehyung's mother appeared on the scene and announced loudly,"I forgot to tell you that Ye Seul needs to be invited too! Please make it quick Tae!"

The boys looked at each other and gulped. Slowly, Hoseok said,"I'll do it...don't worry Mrs. Kim"

Taehyung raised a jealous eyebrow but was helpless. A text was quickly sent to Ye Seul briefing her about the details and pat came the reply from her side- I'll join you at the hospital.

Feeling like he could smash the piano keys, Taehyung reluctantly convinced himself to stay at home to perfect the homecoming piano piece while Ye Seul would probably get some alone time with Hoseok.


A beaming Ye Seul met Hoseok at the steps of the hospital. He smiled briefly at her and hastened to pick up his little brother.

Taehyung's brother was in much better spirits since the last time they'd seen him and gave a whoop of joy as the nurse entered his room to disconnect the wires and machines binding him down.

"Aaahhhh! I can't believe I'm finally going home! This is the best day of my life! Thanks a lot Hoseok hyung! And you too noona! "

J-Hope laughed,"Okay okay kid, aren't you even a little bit upset that Taehyung isn't here and sent me instead?"

"Ah no...I know they're all probably preparing a surprise for me at home"

Ye Seul laughed and ruffled his hair," Well, you're an adorable brother so they'd have to have an equally good surprise. Come on they're waiting at home!"


The entire family stood with bated breath as Taehyung received a text from Hoseok,who was in the cab: I'm right around the corner of the street. Reaching within a minute. Be prepared.

"Okay everybody Hoseok will be here any moment! Everybody get into positions!"

There was a mad dash as everyone ran to hide in different spots.

Moments later, the door to the house swung open and Hoseok pretended to call out,"Hey everyone, we're back!"

There was deathly silence in the house and all the lights were dimmed. Ye Seul helped Taehyung's brother with the walking stick and entered a moment later.

Our little dongsaeng was confused. He looked around for his family and started,"Where ar-"

As if on cue, the lights flew open and the Kim household jumped out from behind places like the sofas and the curtains and in Taehyung's case, a grand piano. Before he had time to register what was happening, he was wrapped in crushing hug by his parents and siblings. It took a full minute for them to finally pull away, and when they did, he had tears in his eyes. A tear rolled down his cheek as he said, "I...I.. missed you all..every single day..."

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