The night we met

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Y/N p.o.v

This was the worst idea ever.
Shit i don't even know why i agreed on doing this.
Now I'm sitting in the cinema, all alone cause my friend just texted me
Soz, can't come tonite x
I smash my phone onto the seat next to me, i take a sip from my coke and put it down again. I mean, i already got me the ticket, a coke and some popcorn so I'm just gonna watch the movie and enjoy it.
'Yo, sorry to interrupt you thinking, but can i get through?' I look up and see a handsome boy, who's trying to get through the tiny space between the seats.
'Oh shit, yea of course sorry.' I laugh awkardly and stand up so that the boy can get through. 'Thanks.' he says while smiling at me. That smile is pretty damn cute, wait what? Okay what the fuck Y/N what are you thinking, he's a stranger. But a hot stranger though. I sit down again and realise that the boy just sat down in the seat next to me.
I look over and see a beautiful red rose in his hand. Yea okay he has a date, I'll never find a cute boy who's not dating anyone.
I grab my popcorn, place it on my lap and put a piece of it in my mouth every few seconds. Suddenly the lights turn off and the movie starts playing.
'Fuck this shit, god damn.' I hear the boy mumble. I turn my head slightly and see his kinda angry and disappointed face. 'Is everything alright, man?' I ask before even thinking about it. He looks at me. 'Nah, my date just ditched me. All this effort for nothing, fuck.' he's lifting his hand up to run his fingers through his brown hair. This is one of the hottest moves ever.
'Well my friend ditched me too... guess we're both complete losers' i say as i lean back in my seat. 'I don't even know what the movie is about because my friend chose it.' I add and laugh. He laughs too and oh hell he has such an unique laugh. Fuck he's cute.
'Yea same, i didn't care about what movie i was going to watch as long as i could make out with my date hah. So... as we're both losers now, do you wanna get outta here and do something else?' He asks while smiling at me. 'Well okay, let's go.' I get up and take my phone and the coke with me. He walks after me. 'I don't even know your name, please tell me cause i need to know it as we're hanging out now!' He realises. 'I'm Y/N and what's your name?' I ask. 'I'm Dominic but you can call me Dom, nice to meet you Y/N.' He smiles at the end.
We walk out of the cinema and he keeps on walking in some direction I've never walked before. YOOO okay, what if he's kidnapping me or something? I hope the fuck not. I follow him, even though i might risk my life while doing that.
'Uhm...Dom, where are we going dude?' I ask, still wondering where the fuck we are. 'This place next to he freeway, it's beautiful just wait.' He answers and keeps on walking at a pretty fast pace. His long legs carry him without any effort.
After about 5 minutes of walking and complete silence we reach the place he wanted to go to. He sits down and looks at me. I stand next to him and just look  around. It really is a beautiful place. Theres trees all around and the space we're in is only grass. You can look straight onto the freeway and the sky is dark, with a few stars shining around.
'Y/N? Sit down, get comfy and just enjoy this moment.' Dom says while tugging on my leg and laughing. I sit down and smile. 'This is really beautiful, thanks for taking me to this place dom.'
We were just laying around in the grass, talking about all the stuff you can or can't imagine, when all of a sudden my phone made a noise. I got it put of my pocket and look at it. 'Oh fuck it's 11pm already, i have to go home now Dom.' I said whining. I don't want to leave, dom is so cute and we think about a lot in the same way. 'That's sad... but okay, I'll get you to your house.' He got up and leads me back to the street i know. We were talking about stupid stuff while walking to my house. 'So... That's my house... Gotta get in there now.' I said sadly. 'Oh... uhm it was really great to spend time with you Y/N. Do you mind if you put your number in my phone?' He asks shyly. Yes YEs YES thats what we want, oh god a boy that wants my number! That's new, okay keep calm. 'Yea give me your phone and I'll do it.' I try not to sound too excited. He gives me his phone and i put my number in it. 'There you go... i gotta get in there now. Good night dom.' I said while walking to my door. 'Bye Y/N, good night! I'll text you.' He waves at me and turns around to leave.
I get in my house and walk straight up into my room. I put on comfy clothes and shortly after that my phone rings.
Hi Y/N, it's Dom :)
I smile at my phone and answer him.

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