The meeting

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Authors note:
This story is not going to be based in 'reality' it's not going to include their original meeting or anything to do with MDE it's going to be all fiction

Johnnies POV

I woke up so late today 4 that's gotta be a record anyway I cleaned up did my makeup and hair  got dressed and went to town I needed a new hair straightener soo bad my last one had decided to fray it's wires 🙄 so on my way there I stopped for a peace tea at this small cafe and I looked over to see the most beautiful girl she had perfect blue hair and this adorable puffy fringe and these stunning green eyes you couldn't help but lose yourself in just as I had got up to introduce myself she left and me well my stupid mind allowed me to follow her she ended up going to the same store I needed so without much thought I strolled over and purchased my straighteners whilst she was walking by me and tripped over a chord in the floor she shattered the palette she was holding I rushed over to her this was my chance I helped her up and as she couldnt afford to pay for the damage at that time I offered to cover it for her I could tell she didn't want to accept but it was her only option so she quietly obliged she reallly was beautiful anyway i walked her out and she thanked me properly and then as she was about to leave I finally risked it and asked for her number her eyes almost twinkled at the question I blushed she gave it to me and said that we should hang out I agreed and walked home

Alex's POV

Today was utterly amazing I was at my favourite cafe drinking peace tea of course when I look over and see the man of my dreams merely a couple feet away I was so nervous my heart was pounding so fiercely I was honestly surprised it didn't fall out of my body but as I was looking he returned the favour and we both locked eyes it was magical he had these perfect icy blue eyes that you couldn't help but fall into I then looked at my phone preparing to ask for his number but the time was telling me otherwise after all I'm only 18 my mother would kill me so I had to set off to get a replacement palette as my usual had run out so with much regret I left and found my way in my usual makeup store and grabbed my palette and by fate my mystery hottie was here too picking up a straightner distracted I fell over a small chord and obliterated the palette just my luck I had only bought cash for one well luckily mystery boy rushed over to help he was so sweet asking if I was ok and he looked genuinely worried it was adorable he was even more perfect up close after explaining my issue
to e cashier mystery boy offered to pay for the damages and as much as I wanted to say no I couldn't he was my only choice after he walked me out and I stopped to officially tell him how much I appreciated his help and then I pabegan to walk off when he whisked me round and asked me for my number god I was so happy I think he could telL as he blushed deeper than my palette shades

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