when sparks fly ...

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alexs pov:

ohmygoshhhhhhh johnnie kissed me !!!! it was amazing i cant believe that it happened it was ill admit brief but it wasn't non-existent i think after everything we've been through recently i think that just cleared the air and even though we've only known each other a couple of days i truly do think hes amazing i have never felt so close to anyone before and this kiss hopefully means he feels the same way :)

johnnies pov:

did that seriously just happen??!! i lent in and she KISSED ME BACK!! holy cow okay ummmm in so flustered i must look like such an idiot because i cant stop smiling but it was actually amazing her lips briefly pressed against mine ... the best 10 seconds of my life! but in all honesty the biggest shock to me was that she didnt pull away like previous experiences ...

alexs pov:

we were just there admiring eachother when the nurse came in and told us we could leave whenever i was ready well we left and i jokingy asked if we should retry our starbucks date however johnnie was so tired from the hospital that he would love to but he just couldnt ii understood and we parted ways


i apologise for the short chapter im pretty tired anyway they kis

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