9."hey,hey its okay i'm here"

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-ayee guys its me again back with a new chapter , i'm practically talking to myself but meh who gives a shit haha , yes the story's a bit boring , try to keep up with me though , i'm trying my best to make it as interesting as possible , also i'm trying to be realistic , its not like she'll fall for him that easy lol , anyway enjoy the chapter 

Y O U R  P O V 

i stood there , shook , i didn't even realize i've been staring at him for so long without saying a word , my thoughts were interrupted by his thumb slowly caressing my cheek making me shiver under his touch , i took my bottom lip into my mouth , trying as hard as i can to avoid his hazel eyes who were now burning holes into my skull , i tuck a stand of hair behind my ear finally looking up at him again , i was still trying to accept the fact that he poured out his heart , yet i haven't responded

"say something please" he begged , his eyes full of despair and sadness 

"i-i really don't know what to say Jason" i played with my fingers , hoping to get myself out of this situation 

"you really thought i was going soft babe?" he said and i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion 

"what?" was all i said after i woke up finding myself in my own bed , panting , don't ask me why i was , it felt so real , the way he touched me , the way these words flew out of his plumb lips , running my fingers through my hair , i took  my phone from my nightstand , 3:00 AM great i can't go back to sleep , i turned on the lamp which was next to me and i let out a deep breath i didn't know i was holding 



i was walking down the hall , my head down , i was late to class , because someone thought it would be funny to lock me in the restroom , panting heavily and cursing under my breath because of my lack of fitness , suddenly i bumped into someone who fell on the floor 

"oh my god i'm so sorry" i said looking at him , he just shook his head while gathering his books quickly 

"better watch out you almost suffocated the boy"  he said which caused half of his arrogant friends to laugh along  , it was him , Jason McCann , that's the first time i have laid my eyes on him , he was wearing some jeans and a black shirt , we were in middle school , he was a year older than me , that's where all is bullying started 

rolling my eyes at his comment i walked away still wanting to reach my class , that was my first time ever , to cry in school , yes people always gave me stares and shared giggles every time i passed in the school hallway but this day , is where hell started ..


I shook my head , wanting to erase those memories out of my head , when suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing , who would text me at this time ?

Jason : 3:10 AM

can't sleep either ? 

unlocking my phone i pressed into our conversation 

 ME 3:11 AM

funny, actually yes , i typed , he responded within seconds 

JASON :3:11 AM 

can i come over ? 

i stared at my screen not knowing what i should say , i quickly replied 

ME 3:12 AM  

Mccann the bullyWhere stories live. Discover now