Author's Note

147 4 2

Hey, ya'll.

As the description read, these are all original poems about mental health, war, and other mature things. 

As always, I'm laying down ground rules/story info:

- No swearing. (F-bomb, shoot-with-an-I, donkeybutt-word, darn-with-an-M, H-E-doublehockeysticks, etc.)

- No bullying. (AKA, don't be rude to other readers.)

- I'm TOTALLY OK WITH CRITICISM. If I have a grammar mistake, or wacky info, PLEASE tell me!! I don't care AT ALL how harsh you are! If you think you know a way to make the pentameter work better, TELL ME! I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing!

- I am NOT trying to offend anybody. IF you find any of this, TEEEEELLLLL MEEEEEEEEEE. I'll change it to something less offensive if I can!

- I will never have a specific timeline for updates. I kinda just do when I get around to it. :/ Sorry!

Thank you all for reading my poems! It means so much!

P.S. If you want to do a cover, DO IT. I have no clue how, so I'm always ready for an enthusiastic reader to do it for me!

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