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"Yoongi, I already told you, I don't drink" I said while trying to push Yoongi and his beer away

"Why not pretty boy" Yoongi smirked while gulping down the beer bottle and threw the bottle at the door causing the bottle to shatter

I looked at the broken bottle that had the top rolling around "Because I-" I looked down, not being able to finish my words

Yoongi grabbed two more bottles and opened them "No way!" He laughed historically "You've never had a drink before have you!?" Yoongi practically shouted probably waking up some neighbors

"N-no I haven't" I tried to hide my face in my hands but Yoongi grabbed them and pushed me against the couch making me fall back

"Your so cute when your embarrassed" Yoongi whispered as he hovered over me

"Yoongi what are you doing?" I asked slightly nervous

"Shhh baby, don't worry, I won't hurt you" Yoongi whispered into my ear as he licked my earlobe

"Y-Yoongi get off of me your drunk" I said trying to push his body off of me but Yoongi pinned down my arms so I couldn't move "Yoongi Stop your scaring me!" I yelled at him

"Calm down baby it's only gonna get worse if you keep squirming" Yoongi said as he lifted my shirt up a little "your so pretty, you know that right?" He ran his cold hand all around my chest making me shiver alittle

"Y-Yoongi p-please get off of me!" I yelled and used my foot to kick him in the manhood Causing him to fall off and hold his crotch in pain on the floor

I quickly grabbed my things and started running towards the door but stopped when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me tightly "Your not going anywhere Pretty boy!" Yoongi yelled angrily

"Leave me alone!" I yelled trying to get out of his tight grip

"Never!" Yoongi yelled pulling me towards the room and on the bed

"I want you and no one else" Yoongi exclaimed rimming my jawline with his tounge

"let me go!" I yelled as tears rolled down my cheek

"Hush baby I'll show you what a-"

"Jin!" Yoongi yelled while shaking my body

I tried to open my eyes but they were swollen from crying?

"Jin Please wake up!" Yoongi said still shaking me

I slowly sat up and wiped my eyes with my covers

"Thank god your awake!" Yoongi exclaimed embracing me into his arms

"Wha-what happened?" I asked opening my eyes alittle

"you were having a bad dream and screaming my name" Yoongi said as he kissed my forehead and rubbed circles on my back to calm me down "your dream must of been really bad, since you kept calling out my name" Yoongi said

"It was scary, you tried to get me to drink then you almost raped me but you woke up when I that was going to happen" I said sobbing into Yoongi's shoulder

Yoongi's eyes widened when I told him my nightmare "R-rape you?" He asked as I nodded pulling away from the hug "I'm so sorry Jin, I would never do that to you or let anyone do that to you" Yoongi sighed smiling

I smiled back "thank you Yoongi, wait how did I get into your place?"
Yoongi shrugged "you couldn't find your apartment key last night so u slept here" Yoongi gave a gummy smile

"Oh" I said as I got up and headed downstairs feeling calm from his words as I smiled to myself almost forgetting about his small kiss


A few moments later I heard the door open

"Yoongi I'm home~" Hoseok sang closing the door and walking into the kitchen

"Oh hey Jin" Hoseok said behind me

"Hi Hoseok" I turned around, looked to the right of him and I saw the boy who I gave the money to holding on to his hand "What are you doing here?" I asked

"Annyeong...Jin?" He waved giving a boxy smile "I've never got to thank you or ask why you gave me this money" The brunette said as he made a concerned face

I smiled "just consider it as a gift from Joonie" I said as Yoongi walked in

"Joonie?" Yoongi said glaring at me

"E-erm I mean Namjoon" I said turning around to hide my blushing face after I realized I called Namjoon, Joonie outloud

"Hehe" Hoseok said making a weird bubble sound

"Oh look who brought the "Cute boy home" Yoongi said smirking at hoseok who was now blushing

"My name is Tae" Tae said shaking his free hand with Yoongi's

"So do you guys want to go somewhere fun for today?" Hoseok asked checking his phone

"Sure" I said while linking arms with Yoongi while he blushed "let me ask Namjoon" Yoongi frowned "why does he have to come?" He asked

"Because he's our friend, and it wouldn't be as fun without him" I said proudly pulling Yoongi out the door and into Namjoon's place


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