🍋 High Tension {OmegaVerse}

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High Tension

Probably My favorite Lemon I've ever read!

FULL Credit to the amazing MistressPikachu(FinalVolition) on Archive of Our Own


In a way, he's always been your alpha even if he didn't realize it until now.

You not coming to class was like All Might not coming to save the day.

Todoroki blew it off as bad luck the first day. The second was a coincidence. On the third, you ignored his calls; and if he texted you about the problem, your answer would be vague aside from some self-proclaimed cute emoticons to let him know that you were alive and would return soon. By the fourth, he was on edge with worry. He missed your calming presence, your light honey scent.

So, when Mr. Aizawa once again asked for Ashido to deliver the class work to you, Todoroki volunteered instead.

"It would be a problem if it was you. Let Ashido handle it," the scruffy teacher said, refusing to elaborate further.

Todoroki dropped his hand to his desk, his fingers clenching up with anxiety until the bell rang for class to be released. He waited until Mr. Aizawa left before walking up to Ashido as she packed away her things.

"Ashido, do you mind if I take this to her house?" He asked, trying to not sound too desperately pleading.

"Sorry, Todoroki. I'd like to help you, but I can't let you do that," the pink-skinned girl frowned when she noticed the slight sour expression that broke his usually stoic face. "Don't worry. She's fine, just sick."

"Is that all? Nothing else?"

Ashido nodded encouragingly. "She'll be better in no time."

"Alright," he dropped the subject, but he wasn't going to just sit here and wait for you to get back.

Todoroki was going to visit you, whether you wanted him to or not. You probably were overreacting again about him seeing you all snotty and rundown when you wanted to be the "pinnacle of super hero-iness", whatever that meant. He would just stop by the cafe that was on the way to your house and get one of those sweet crusty croissant things you liked, and you would forgive him easily enough.

When he arrived at your house though, there was a problem. He could smell your scent wafting through your front door, but it was mixed with something difficult to describe, something that had his hair standing on edge.

The door opened just enough to reveal a comfortably dressed woman with looks similar to yours and her hair pinned up, and he knew it was your mom. He sensed the lingering smell get stronger the longer the door remained ajar.

She was usually warm and welcoming to him, especially for another alpha, but something about her seemed distant as she looked at him through the crack in the door. A bad day, perhaps? That could explain the strange scent. "Hello, Mrs. l/n," he greeted, "is your daughter home?"

"[Name] can't come out to see you," your mom said before moving to close the door.

Todoroki caught it in time with his foot. "I, ah, heard she was sick, so I thought she might feel better," he didn't finish and instead he handed her the wrapped pastry.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to give it to her," your mom quickly closed both the door and the conversation.

Todoroki only wondered if it was really as serious as the others had said.

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